YouTube: Extensions that reset the “don’t like” count stop working

YouTube is the world’s largest video platform and the second most visited website on the Internet after Google.

The company recently made some changes to the platform and decided to hide the number of “dislikes” in the videos, supposedly to reduce the “toxicity” of the platform.

.IRPP_kangoo, .IRPP_kangoo .postImageUrl, .IRPP_kangoo .imgUrl, .IRPP_kangoo .centered-text-area {min-height: 100px; position: relative; } .IRPP_kangoo, .IRPP_kangoo: hover, .IRPP_kangoo: visited, .IRPP_kangoo: active {edge: 0! Important; } .IRPP_kangoo {display: block; transition: 250ms background color; webkit transition: 250ms background color; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: 250ms opacity; webkit transition: 250ms opacity; background color: #eaeaea; } .IRPP_kangoo: active, .IRPP_kangoo: hover {opacity: 1; transition: 250ms opacity; webkit transition: 250ms opacity; background color: #FFFFFF; } .IRPP_kangoo .postImageUrl, .IRPP_kangoo .imgUrl {background position: center; background size: cover; float: left; margin: 0; filling: 0; } .IRPP_kangoo .postImageUrl {width: 30%; } .IRPP_kangoo .imgUrl {width: 100%; } .IRPP_kangoo .centered-text-area {float: right; width: 70%; filling: 0; margin: 0; } .IRPP_kangoo .centered-text {display: table; height: 100px; left: 0; top: 0; filling: 0; margin: 0; } .IRPP_kangoo .IRPP_kangoo-content {display: table-cell; margin: 0; fill: 0 10px 0 10px; position: relative; vertical alignment: middle; width: 100%; } .IRPP_kangoo .ctaText {border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color:#27AE60; font size: 13px; font intensity: Bold; letter spacing: .125em; margin: 0; filling: 0; text decoration: underline; } .IRPP_kangoo .postTitle {color: # 000000; font size: 16px; font weight: 600; margin: 0; filling: 0; } .IRPP_kangoo .ctaButton {background color: #FFFFFF; left margin: 10px; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .IRPP_kangoo: hover .imgUrl {-webkit-transform: scale (1.2); -moz-transform: scale (1.2); -o-transformed: scale (1.2); -ms-transform: scale (1.2); transform: scale (1.2); } .IRPP_kangoo .imgUrl {-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 0.4s easy-in-out; -moz-transition: -moz-transform 0.4s input facility; -o-transition: -o-transform 0.4s input facility; -ms-transition: -ms-transform 0.4s input facility; transition: transform 0.4s for easy input; } .IRPP_kangoo: after {content: “”; display: block; clean both; }

Then you can restore the “dislikes” on YouTube

Many disagree as the likes count is an indicator of how good the content is.

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Since YouTube made the changes, people have expressed their frustration in a number of ways, like bombarding the app’s Play Store page with 1-star ratings – which, on the other hand, isn’t very helpful as the app is coming soon. . -Installed on almost all android phones.

Some YouTube users have resorted to browser extensions that display the number of “dislikes” for a video.


NowYouTube has updated its API and removed the ability for extensions to see the “don’t like” count in a video. However, creators will still be able to see the counter.

Looks like YouTube really wants users to forget about the “dislike” counter. Now that these third-party extensions are no longer working, there’s no way YouTube users can see the count.

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