8 out of 10 users click on the ads that appear to them while using social networks

Giovanni Sartori had already been prophesying it, back in 1997: with the arrival of television and later the Internet, ‘Homo Sapiens’, a product of written culture, has gradually become ‘Homo Videns’, passing into the culture of image. For Homo Videns, images take on greater meaning and value than what is written or spoken.

‘Visualize’ is a fundamental, basic and innate action: because we respond to and process visual data better than any other type of data. In fact, recent studies show that the human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text, retaining 80% of what we see, 20% of what we read, and 10% of what we hear.

In this context, which has not changed much since then, it is essential to recognize the importance of visual economy for every company and brand. In the visual economy, the notion of “product experience” is largely defined by the quality, volume, and interactivity with product images. Images of a product or service are now as much a part of the proposition as the products themselves. And the same applies to brand image and shopping websites as well. There are brands that are easily recognizable by their logo and that the user identifies as credible and trustworthy: here, too, design plays an extremely important role when it comes to generating and closing sales.

Thus Viewthe marketing and design partner of millions of small businesses around the world, has carried out a survey to compare and expand the information we have on the influence of brand and product image on the branding, the product discoverythe purchase intention and the completion of the same.

“Developing an attractive brand, a trusted image and offering support in creating a visual experience that makes a difference is part of Vista’s mission to help small and medium-sized entrepreneurs and businesses stand out. Maximizing the visual economy, especially in the galloping digital transformation we are experiencing and in line with new trends, should be a priority for all businesses, however small or large, to remain competitive”, it states Richard Moody, General Manager for Nordic, Central and Southern Europe at Vista.

The survey, conducted with Pollfish, shows that online channels take the full podium when it comes to discovering new brands and products. 82% of the Spaniards interviewed say they use search engines as the main channels for discovering new brands and products, along with 60% who say they use social networks such as Instagram or Facebook. Third, raise the Marketplace such as Amazon (36%), which is already a benchmark for many when it comes to finding new brands to trust, displacing traditional television, print or radio ads that, together, take 29, 5% of preferences.

86.43% of the total also state that they click on the ads that appear to them while using social networks:

  • 27.15% say they do it almost always
  • 25.55% only if the product and the brand seem trustworthy (again, the importance of the image)
  • 22.75% if the product is relevant to them
  • 10.98% only if the price seems interesting to you
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In this sense, 46% recognize that the photos of the product or service offered are what most attract their attention in the advertisementfollowed by other variables such as price (27.7%), brand (12%), ad text (8%) or color palette (3%).

The importance of product photos

When we talk about how the photos of products available on an online shopping website can influence a user’s final purchase decision, the vast majority (61%) acknowledge that a lot. By not being able to physically touch and see the product, how many more and better photos, with different details and angles, showing how a product works or is used, play a fundamental role in finalizing the purchase.

And not only that, the 67.86% agree that good product images can lower their return rate by making it easier for the user to know if it really is what they are looking for, want or can look good on them.

Brand image and web design

When asked how much the design of a web page influences a brand or e-commerce when making a purchase, andl 43.7% of the total affirms that a lot, recognizing the graphic identity of a website as synonymous with the seriousness and credibility of the brand.

The same goes for the first impressions on web pages or unknown brands: for 47.7% it is essential that the first impression be good, since when it is negative they say they do not usually return.

For companies, design is much more than a simple aesthetic, it is a true communication tool that can open or close the doors of consumers: a successful design allows to incorporate a message, increase the recognition and notoriety of the brand, but also strengthen trust and credibility with customers. When a consumer discovers a new brand or product, he decides in a few seconds if he is interested or not. So the question is no longer whether to invest in design and marketing, it is how to do it in the best possible way.”, states Moody.

The phenomenon unbox or the importance of delivering your product in a packaging watch out

For millennials, product delivery is also an essential part of the shopping experience. According to 47% of those interviewed in these age groups, it is very important to receive the purchased product in beautiful and customized packaging with the logo and brand details. In addition, 64% affirm that they always or occasionally make videos of the unboxing (or opening of the package) to post it on their social networks.

Unboxing has created a huge opportunity for small businesses. Just knowing how to impress with packaging creates a ripple effect that increases loyalty and support from satisfied customers and strengthens brand awareness through unboxing videos shared on social media. And not only that: new followers and potential buyers are more than insured”, says Moody.

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