The World Test Championship final will be played between India and Australia. Both teams will face each other in the Oval field from June 7. At the same time, a video becomes more and more viral on social media. In fact, in the viral video on social media, India team’s goaltending batsman, Ishaan Kish, is seen. Ishaan Kishan is playing excellent shots during the practice session. Now this video is going very viral on social media.
ICC has shared the video of Ishaan Kishan with his official social media handle. In this video, Ishaan Kishan is seen making quick shots during net practice. This video of Indian wicketkeeper batsman is becoming more and more viral on social media. Apart from this, social media users are constantly commenting on Ishaan Kishan’s inclusion in the World Test Championship Final XI.
At the same time, former Australia captain Ricky Ponting has also recommended the inclusion of Ishaan Kishan in the starting XI. In fact, Ricky Ponting said that he would definitely include Ishaan Kishan in my playing XI. He said that if you want to get the World Test Championship final trophy, then you have to win the match. This is why it has stayed 1 day even after 5 days. If there is a player like Ishaan Kishan on his team, then he may prove to be the X factor.