Why Moon Knight is the best series in the MCU

/Warning: spoilers on the upcoming Moon Knight series/

Among the new burst of series MarvelDisney+ coming, we were able to witness the highly anticipated debut of Marc Spector, aka Moon Knight before those of Ms Marvel and she hulk. Before them, we were able to attend different shows with completely different objectives: WandaVision, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, What If?, Loki and Hawkeye. Moon Knight has been certified Fresh by review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes with 87% positive reviews. Many have pointed out the uniqueness of this new series and this new character. But many also expressed disappointment that the show of Jeremy Slater drastically departed from the classic canons of marvel studios.

From a gradual point of view, Moon Knightand this only reflects our opinion, is quite uneven, but benefits from a very large number of qualities to place it above its predecessors in the mcu. The first episode opens with a fairly strong introduction, where we immediately sympathize with Steven Grant. The writing of the series makes it possible to densify this alter and the series cleverly plays with them to tease the sequels to come. Episode one is rooted around Steven Grant to begin to envelop us in effective mystery. We are moving away from costumes, we are moving away from the superheroic world. The hero is the envelope of Mark and his alters. marvel studios however, takes some liberties with respect to the origin of the dissociative disorder of Mark because here’s where it comes from in the comics:

During the last years of his childhood, Marc discovered by chance that a close family friend, Rabbi Yitz Perlman, was actually a Nazi defector and secretly a serial killer of Jews named Ernst. Marc’s fighting instinct first kicked in when he fought Perlman to escape his grasp. Perlman then disappeared without a trace. This traumatic event also caused Marc to develop dissociative identity disorder. However, in the series Disney+, The brother of Mark dies and his mother thinks he is mainly responsible for it and decides to turn his life into hell. Mark created then Stevea shy archeology enthusiast to put an end to this suffering.

We therefore add a powerful emotional dimension to Moon Knight and that’s why the series will go from a “blah” dimension to an incredible dimension. We will move away from the analytical side of adaptation – except for this detail on the origin of Marc’s TDI – since what interests us are the elements that make someone from outside the universe appreciate the series and sympathize with this character.

moon knight and marvel cinematic universe
Moon Knight © Marvel Studios

After a mysterious and very effective introduction, where Jake Lockleythe hyper-violent Quirk of Mark has raged for the first time, we discover a rather interesting villain and deeply human in his intentions: Arthur Harrow.

It’s hard not to see some similarities with Thanos. The very embodiment of the scales of justice, Harrow is there to purify the Earth of evil souls. No intention of just blowing up the Earth. Jeremy Slater cleverly plays with its antagonist character to try to trap us halfway through the story. Indeed, after a long episode 2 and a third really weak, episode 4 comes to redistribute the cards. Big climax: Mark diesshot dead by Harrow. Many did not believe it, arguing the presence of the last two episodes to justify the return of the character. However, Slater managed to dispense with his character in episode 5 by sending him largely into a kind of ” Tartar ” where Mark probably knew (with Wanda Maximoff) the best character development for an MCU series.

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A true initiatory journey, Marvel peeled away the very essence of the mercenary to transform his cathartic violence into great inner suffering. Moon Knight is on the same threshold as Doctor Strange 2 in terms of violence. Quite soft, but much more incisive (especially in the background) in his fights. Mark is as important in the plot as Steve and switching between the two is done seamlessly through writing. Above all, this whole passage from Mark and Steven in purgatory is extremely difficult to analyze. Halfway between a sacrificial goal (Keep either Steven or Marc) and to cover the tracks (The discussions between Marc and the “psychologist” Harrow remain mysterious and answers to these questions will probably be given in a season 2)the last two episodes completely transform the series.

Marvel Drops a Big Hint About Moon Knight's Future
Moon Knight © Marvel Studios

Moon Knight offers itself a final beating drum, extremely dense and effective which leads to the rapid putting out of harm’s way ofArthur Harrow. However, Ethan Hawke confided to being able to return to the series, which must offer us more images of the violent Jake Lockley. But the series probably rests 90% on the shoulders ofOscar Isaac. Already imperial in Ex Machinaprobably misdirected in Star Warsthe actor here shows off all his talent by interpreting two characters that everything opposes in the same body: A mercenary wanting redemption, a timid archaeologist.

On the side of the universe, the series has managed to effectively win the correct exploitation of Egyptian mythology, in order to move on to something else on a next season. In all this gloubi-boulga of myths, episode 3 has lost more than one. That’s why the unexpected climax of episode 4 restored faith in the series for many fans. Jeremy Slater and the scriptwriters have positioned effective turnarounds, to the point where viewers of the series have been able to maintain interest throughout the series. For an introduction, it’s tough.

Something that cannot be attributed to other Marvel Disney series despite their qualities because the characters had already been introduced. It remains to be seen, however, if She-Hulk and Ms Marvel will succeed in creating as much surprise as Moon Knight was able to do.

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