Bengali politician and movie actress Nusrat Jahan is in a lot of discussion these days. Actually, the actress became a mother last month. Nusrat has given birth to a son, who the actress has named Ishaan. After giving birth to a son, Nusrat appeared at a public event on Wednesday, the actress was in Calcutta to inaugurate a salon. During this, the media asked him some questions, on which Nusrat gave such a reaction that almost no one expected.
Actually, the media asked Nusrat when fans would be able to see her son for the first time. In response to this question, the actress said that she asks this question of the boy’s father. They don’t want anyone to see the child right now. Let us tell you that Nusrat has a serious relationship with Bengali film actor Yash Dasgupta. According to media reports, Nusrat and Yash are internal partners.
When Nusrat gave birth to a son, Yash was with her. Even as he was being released from the hospital, little Ishaan was seen on Yash’s lap. Let us tell you that Nusrat has been in the headlines continuously for some time now. Nusrat took seven rounds in Turkey with businessman Nikhil Jain in the year 2019. However, shortly after the marriage, news of the separation between the two began to emerge and even on one occasion Nusrat had even said that he was not married to Nikhil, but who was living with Nikhil. I was in this relationship. Nusrat had also accused Nikhil of manipulating his money. However, Nikhil Jain has described all these accusations and things about the actress as unfounded and without foundation.
Also read: Nusrat Jahan was asked: what is the name of the father of your child? The angry actress stopped speaking with the answer.
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