Home World What are the Iowa caucuses that Donald Trump participated in?

What are the Iowa caucuses that Donald Trump participated in?

What are the Iowa caucuses that Donald Trump participated in?

Former President of the United States Donald Trump (2017-2021) won this Monday the Iowa caucuses, the first appointment of the Republican primary for the White House, where he has shown his strength while neither of his two main rivals could consist of and become a viable alternative.

Trump's victory was so great that networks like CNN, NBC and Fox showed it just half an hour after the 700 polling centers where tonight's primaries opened, dispelling any doubts about his lead at the Republican primary Party.

What are meetings?

The meetings They are neighborhood meetings gathered in hundreds of schools, churches and gyms across the state.

There are debates and Delegates from Iowa are selected to attend the summer convention that will name the presidential candidate the Republican Party.

Iowa is a rural state with a small population, but not of much importance in this convention In the past, his meetings had enormous symbolic power for being the first appointment in the main calendar.

The address of This year, the Democratic Party broke with tradition and did not begin its primary process in Iowabut intends to do so on February 3 in South Carolina.

The President of the United States, Joe BidenSeeking re-election to a second term, he wants to start the Democratic primary with a comfortable win in South Carolina, a more moderate state with a larger African-American population than Iowa.

The coldest gatherings in history

In the election meetings this Monday 110,298 people took part, 41% fewer than in 2016, when a record of almost 187,000 was set. Some meetings that have taken place the coldest in history due to a snowstorm that led to the cancellation of several campaign events.

Trump received 56,260 votes and 51%, while DeSantis added 23,420 votes and 21.2%.

Third was former South Carolina governor and former ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley with 21,085 votes and 19.1%.

Businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, who announced his withdrawal from the primaries after the results were announced, came fourth with 8,449 votes and 7.7%.

The Iowa caucuses distributed only 40 of the 2,429 delegates at stake in the entire Republican primary process.

Trump got 20, DeSantis 8, Haley 7 and Ramaswamy, despite his resignation, got 3. Two delegates still need to be assigned before the final result.

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