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War in Ukraine: Russia has “not yet started serious things” in the country, says Vladimir Putin

War in Ukraine: Russia has "not yet started serious things" in the country, says Vladimir Putin

“Let them try!” Russian President Vladimir Putin challenged Westerners to defeat Russia “on the battlefield” in Ukraine, where Moscow n / A “not started the serious things yet”Thursday 7 July, during a meeting with the leaders of the groups of the lower house of Parliament, broadcast on television. “At the same time, we do not refuse peace negotiations”, he also said. “But those who refuse them should know that the longer [ils refuseront]the more difficult it will be for them to negotiate with us”he added.

During this speech, the Head of State continued: “We have heard several times that the West wants to fight us to the last Ukrainian. This is a tragedy for the Ukrainian people. But it seems that everything is heading in this direction.”

Using rhetoric reminiscent of that of the Soviet leaders during the Cold War, Vladimir Putin also denounced the “totalitarian liberalism” western world and believed that the offensive in Ukraine marked the beginning of a transition from a world marked by“American globalized self-centeredness towards a truly multipolar world”.

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