War in Ukraine LIVE: Paris repeats to China that France and the EU will support kyiv “for the long term”…

6:40 a.m .: Paris repeats to China that France and the EU will support kyiv “over time”

France and the European Union are determined to support Ukraine “over time” and “in all areas”, Paris reaffirmed Tuesday to a Chinese envoy, sent by Beijing to Europe to discuss a political settlement of the conflict. .

The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through its director general for political and security affairs Frédéric Mondoloni, underlined “the full responsibility of Russia in the outbreak and continuation of the war”, during a meeting with the special envoy Chinese Li Hui in charge of the Ukrainian file.

This former Chinese ambassador to Moscow has been on tour in Europe for a week to discuss the “political settlement” of the conflict in Ukraine. He had spent two days in kyiv and one day in Poland before going to France. He must then win Germany and Russia.

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