In an interview published on his Telegram channel, Prigozhin assures that the special military operation was launched with the objective of ‘denazifying’, but “we turned Ukraine into a nation known throughout the world. They (Ukrainians) are like the Greeks and Romans of the times of the heyday.”
The demilitarization of Ukraine, the other mission raised by Russian President Vladimir Putin, is also a failure for Prigozhin.
“If before the start of the special operation they (the Ukrainians) had, say, 500 tanks, now they have 5,000. If then 20,000 troops knew how to fight, now there are 400,000. So we demilitarize it? Now it turns out that we militarize Ukraine, and in what way, ”she summed up.
Praise to the Ukrainian Army
For the leader of the Wagner Group, his mercenaries make up “the best army in the world” and added that “to be correct, I should say that the second is the Russian one.”
However, he has praised the Ukrainian troops, assuring that they are “one of the strongest armies” that successfully handles any weapon system, whether of Soviet or NATO origin.
In addition, he compared the motivation of Ukrainian soldiers with that of the Soviets during the war with Nazi Germany.
“They do everything for the sake of achieving the highest goal, like we did during the Great Patriotic War (as the Soviet Union called the period of World War II between the beginning of the invasion of the USSR in June 1941 and the capitulation of Germany) ”.
Prigozhin also attacked the children of the country’s elite for the luxurious life they exhibit on social networks, when “their children are returned to ordinary people in zinc coffins, torn to pieces.”
The head of the Wagners has warned that “we must not think that there are hundreds, now there are tens of thousands of relatives of the dead. And surely there will be hundreds of thousands” and that this double standard “can end as in 1917, in a revolution.”