Home World Video: shark sows panic on Spanish beach

Video: shark sows panic on Spanish beach

Vacationers had a scare on a beach in Benidorm (Spain) on August 13. While swimming peacefully, they came face to face with a shark.

The animal was over two meters tall. He was swimming very close to the beach, as you can see in these videos posted on social media.

Despite its impressive appearance, the animal was truly harmless. He was mostly disoriented. As a precautionary measure, the beach was closed for a few hours. “Blue sharks are not dangerous, but like all wild animals, if they are surrounded or intimidated, they can defend themselves,” shark specialist Jaime Penades explained to the Spanish newspaper. Public.

Rescuers from the Oceanographic Foundation were contacted to redirect the shark to deeper waters. They used a special net to catch the animal and took it by boat to a safer area.

Before releasing it, they checked the shark for visible injuries. They also took a blood sample from the animal. “The results of the analysis will allow us to know why it approached the coast”, details a press release from the Foundation. “It may be due to reproductive behavior.”

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