Home Entertainment Venom: Symbiote’s host already introduced to the MCU

Venom: Symbiote’s host already introduced to the MCU

Spider-Man: No Way Home left a fragment of the symbiote Venom in the MCU, the latter having perhaps already introduced his host Venom. For many viewers, one of the main problems with the various spinoffs of Spiderman of Sonyincluding movies Venom with Tom hardy in the role of the symbiote, is the fact that it is unlikely that the Spiderman of Tom Holland can cross the path of Venom of Tom hardy.

Somehow, Spider-Man: No Way Home is a response to this criticism. In 2019, when Marvel and Sony have renewed their agreement on Spiderman, the president of Marvel studios, Kevin Feige, made what appears to be a promising observation. ” [Spider-Man] also happens to be the only hero with the superpower to traverse cinematic universes, ”he said. In an official statement. He then added, “As Sony continues to develop its own Spider-Verse, you never know what surprises the future may hold. “

Even if Spiderman no longer ventures into the multiverse, it has left a lasting impact on his world. Venom: Let There Be Carnage saw Eddie Brock be transported in the MCU, the post-credits scene of Spider-Man: No Way Home Sent him home, however, he left behind a fragment of the symbiote. This is clearly the introduction of the symbiote into the MCU in addition to that of the Sony-Verse.But who will be the primary host of the symbiote?

Eddie Brock in the MCU? Unlikely !

Eddie Brock Tom Hardy Venom

Eddie Brock Tom Hardy Venom

It is unlikely that Marvel studios a simple facelift of the character and bring back an umpteenth time Eddie Brock, the hapless journalist who became the host of Venom in the comics and who was played by Tom Hardy. While it is true that the multiverse offers Marvel the possibility of doing it, the fact remains that the studio has never liked to repeat an idea that was (badly) done elsewhere (like the original story of Spider-Man, already told several times). They are therefore unlikely to do anything with a Eddie Brock, this would lead too naturally to comparisons between the two iterations of Venom.

Even though they intended to do it, Sony would undoubtedly be opposed to this decision, it could only lead to the failure of the productive and fruitful agreement between the two studios. A version ofEddie Brock in the Marvel cinematic universe will most likely never see the light of day. So who will host the Symbiote ?

Mac Gargan is also a host of Venom in the comics

Mac Gargan Spider Man Homecoming

Spider-Man: Homecoming introduced another potential host of Venom : Mac Gargan, a criminal played by Michael mando. Brutal criminal with a heavy criminal record, Mac Gargan was captured while trying to buy advanced weapons from the Vulture gang. As seen in the post-credits scene of Spider-Man: Homecoming, he swore revenge on Spiderman and even tried to persuade the Vulture to reveal the secret identity of the spider to him. It is even quite surprising that Mac Gargan never tried to take revenge on Spiderman in No Way Home when his secret identity was revealed to the world. We can explain it by the fact that No Way Home was above all dictated by a desire to deliver a recital of nostalgia more than a scenario dedicated to the continuity of what has been established. It is therefore completely understandable, to introduce the character in Scorpio or other threat would have been too unspecified in this film already well decorated. Mac Gargan is a real dead end of the first trilogy Spiderman MCU.

In the comics, Mac Gargan was hired by J. Jonah Jameson to undergo an experimental super-soldier procedure that turned him into Scorpio, designed to be the ultimate weapon against Spiderman. Most spectators expect Marvel studios tells a similar story, they soon forget that he also had another alias in the comic bubbles. Eh yes, Mac Gargan actually became the host of the Venom symbiote, indulging in his most violent impulses and enjoying the thirst for blood. He even joined the Dark Avengers of Norman Osborn as a version of Spiderman. The experience gradually overwhelmed the personality of Mac Gargan, turning him into a bloodthirsty cannibal. He had to undergo serious medical treatment to heal from his stint as a Venom. Marvel studios could honor this arc by dropping the Scorpio for the moment and by transforming the Mac Gargan of Michael mando in Venom.

What Mac Gargan’s Venom Would Mean to the MCU

Venom MCU

It is not difficult to imagine a scenario in which Mac Gargan would fall on the symbiote Venom. It is quite common for fleeing criminals to head to Mexico, mistakenly believing that there is no extradition treaty between the two countries. He could be one of those fugitives, perhaps enjoying the chaos following the snap of Thanos to escape justice. Thus, it could potentially be in the right place to be assimilated by the symbiote fragment. Venom left by Eddie Brock and bind to it. Already eager to take revenge on Spiderman.

It seems like Marvel prepare a team of Dark Avengers, Valentina de Fontaine recruiting agents whose profiles clearly match. Other potential members include Abomination, the equivalent of Hulk, and Agatha Harkness, Scarlet witch. Abomination made an unexpected comeback in Shang-Chi & the Legend of the Ten Rings and will return in the series She-hulk from Disney +, while the story of Agatha Harkness will continue in its own spinoff. the Venom of Mac Gargan would make an excellent addition to Dark Avengers.

This also does not mean that Marvel must abandon the idea of Scorpio. The experience of being linked to a symbiote could leave Mac Gargan seriously injured, forcing him to accept an experimental program that will turn him into Scorpio. It would be a reversal of the comics, where the identity of Scorpio appeared first, but it would work sooner though. The time spent as Venom could give him an even deeper and more obsessive hatred of Spiderman. No Way Home may not have doneEddie Brock the Venom from MCU, And that’s good, Mac Gargan is a serious and daring candidate to embody it.

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