Home World US President Joe Biden’s visit to Saudi Arabia announced

US President Joe Biden’s visit to Saudi Arabia announced

US President Joe Biden's visit to Saudi Arabia announced

US President Joe Biden’s visit to Saudi Arabia next month has been announced.

According to the Saudi Press Agency, US President Joe Biden will visit Saudi Arabia on July 15 and 16 at the invitation of King Salman.

The US President will meet with the King and his Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman to discuss areas of bilateral cooperation as well as joint efforts to address regional and global challenges.

According to the White House, Biden will attend the Gulf Cooperation Council summit in Egypt, Iraq and Jordan.

The White House said in a statement that President Joe Biden appreciates King Salman’s leadership and his invitation and looks forward to this important visit to Saudi Arabia, which has been a strategic partner of the United States for nearly eight decades.

The White House added that the US president will discuss bilateral, regional and global issues, including support for a UN-brokered ceasefire in Yemen since the war began seven years ago. It has been the most peaceful period.

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