Home World US and Russia blame each other for worsening food insecurity

US and Russia blame each other for worsening food insecurity

EEUU y Rusia se culpan de la agravación de la inseguridad alimentaria

The United States and Russia blamed each other this Thursday at the UN Security Council for the aggravation of food insecurity in the world and Washington asked Moscow to allow Ukrainian grain exports blocked at Black Sea ports.

Stop blocking the Black Sea ports! Authorize the free movement of ships, trains and trucks transporting food out of Ukraine"said the head of US diplomacy, Antony Blinken, at a meeting of the Security Council called by the United States.

"Stop threatening to suspend food and fertilizer exports to countries criticizing its war of aggression", he added.

According to Blinken, "the russian army has literally hijacked the food supply of millions of ukrainians and millions of people in the world".

The Russian ambassador to the UN, Vassily Nebenzia, flatly refuted the Western accusations consisting of "blame Russia for all the world’s problems".

The food crisis in the world has existed for some time and its root causes are due to a "inflationary spiral" fueled by rising insurance costs, difficult logistics flows and "speculations in western markets"said the Russian diplomat.

Ukrainian ports are blocked by Ukraine, by mines scattered in the country along the Black Sea shore and by kyiv’s unwillingness to cooperate with shipowners to free several dozen foreign ships, he added.

The Russian diplomat denounced once again the imposition of Western sanctions against your country, ensuring that its consequences aggravate food insecurity.

"Sanctions do not block Black Sea ports, immobilize ships full of food or destroy Ukrainian roads and railways"Antony Blinken had previously said.

"Sanctions do not prevent Russia from exporting food or fertilizers" as "deliberately exclude food, fertilizers and seeds from Russia"assured the Secretary of State, for whom the "The decision to weaponize food is Moscow’s and Moscow’s alone".

The day before, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres had urged Russia to free Ukrainian grain exports and the West to allow Russian fertilizers to enter international markets.

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