Home Business Unlocking Efficient Payment Systems for SMEs: 3 Essential Steps for Digitization

Unlocking Efficient Payment Systems for SMEs: 3 Essential Steps for Digitization

3 keys to digitizing payments in SMEs

Digital Transformation: The Key to Growth for Spanish SMEs

According to research by Mastercard, 30% of family businesses in Spain consider digital transformation as their biggest challenge. This transformation involves a wide range of routine logistics and transportation processes, supply of raw materials and contact with suppliers or marketing and advertising campaigns.

Digital Payments on the Rise

Regarding payment methods, about 80% of small businesses in Spain accept digital payments, citing advantages such as greater security in collection. A study by VISA and Dynata also concludes that digitizing payments results in an increase in business volume between 6% and 15% for 54% of these companies.

Optimizing Payment Processes

To optimize payment processes and offer customers a richer consumer experience, Dojo, a leading provider of digital payment solutions, has identified the 5 big keys to choose the best digital payment solutions provider:

  • Advanced Technology for Quick Installation: It is essential to receive the payment terminal within a maximum of 48 hours from the time it has been requested, with pre-installed software.
  • High Security and Reliability in Payments: The provider must have a solid network of independent servers and integrated end-to-end encryption to protect clients’ card data.
  • Good Payment Terminal Connectivity: A payment terminal with multi-SIM, capable of switching from 4G connectivity to the Wi-Fi network, ensures successful and instant payments.
  • Remote Customer Service: Having a provider available 7 days a week, offering remote care, is a great added value to resolve any type of incident or unforeseen event.
  • Payment of Payments on the Following Day and Every Day of the Week: Having the money in the business’s current account, without having to wait for the first day of the week or the return of a long weekend, is another key aspect to consider.

Expert Insights

"In a society with a high speed of consumption of goods, it is essential for SMEs to embrace digitalization to offer a quality customer experience. An aspect in which our payment technology, fast, simple and convenient, makes us a leading reference in the European market and a great ally for small and medium-sized companies," says Javier Jover, General Director of Dojo in Spain.

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