UN: At least 50,000 killed by earthquakes in Turkey and Syria

The devastating earthquakes that struck Turkey and Syria have killed at least 50,000 people and injured many more, while tens of thousands remain missing and hundreds of thousands lost their homes, Secretary Martin Griffiths said Tuesday. Deputy General for Humanitarian Affairs of the United Nations.

Griffiths told the Security Council that three weeks after a 7.8 earthquake struck southern Turkey and northern Syria, followed by a strong aftershock a day later, the scale of the disaster is much clearer. At least 44,000 people have been killed in Turkey and another 6,000 in Syria, most of them in a rebel stronghold in the north-west of the country.

The United Nations made an emergency appeal to raise $397.6 million to help Syrian victims of the disaster, which is 42% funded, while the $1 billion appeal for the victims of Turkey is only 7.4%. The amounts only cover emergency needs for the next three months, United Nations spokesman Stephane Dujarric said.

Griffiths told a council session on Syria that before the earthquakes, 15.3 million people (70% of the population) were in need of humanitarian assistance, and said he saw entire neighborhoods destroyed when he visited after the quake hit. winter.

“Preliminary assessments indicated that 5 million people in Syria require basic shelter and non-food assistance,” he said. “In many areas, four or five families occupy a tent, with no special facilities for the elderly, chronically ill or disabled.”

In addition, Griffiths told council members that hundreds of buildings are at high risk of collapsing, that thousands more would need to be demolished, that the risk of disease is rising from a cholera outbreak, and that the price of food and other necessities are also skyrocketing.

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“Women and children face increased harassment, violence and risk of exploitation, and there is a huge need for psychological support,” she said.

The official added that machinery needs to be imported into Syria to remove rubble, as well as equipment for temporary hospitals and tools to restore access to drinking water.

“The United Nations is working to address unforeseen obstacles created by sanctions and anti-terrorism laws, including obstacles in the delivery and delays of materials for the repair of essential infrastructure, medical supplies or security equipment for our operations,” he said.

As for Turkey, the two massive earthquakes on February 6 “caused an estimated $34.2 billion in direct physical damage,” the equivalent of 4% of the country’s GDP in 2021, according to a rapid damage assessment report from the Bank. World Cup released on Monday.

The report noted that recovery and reconstruction costs will be much higher, even twice as much, and that GDP losses related to disruptions in economic activity will also add to the cost of earthquakes.

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