Ukraine: Has Bakhmout fallen?

The paramilitary Wagner militia wave Russian flags in the Ukrainian town of Bakhmout and thus claims the captotal ture of the city. Yevgeni Prigozhinthe head of the militia, affirms, alor even that we still hear the sounds of bombs in the city. Russian state television also proclaims the fall of Bakhmout where entire neighborhoods are flattened and the streets are empty.

kyiv denies Russian control of Bakhmout

At the G7 summit in Hiroshima (Japan), Volodymyr Zelensky says his troops are still fighting in some areas of the city. “Our men are at Bakhmout for an essential mission,” he said. declared. ”I will not reveal their exact placement but it proves that Bakhmout is not under Russian control”.

Ukrainian command says its army is close to encircling the city. The communication war continues between the two warring countries.

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