Home World They march in southeastern Mexico in the face of increased violence and...

They march in southeastern Mexico in the face of increased violence and lack of justice

Marchan en el sureste de México ante aumento de violencia y falta de Justicia

Citizens took to the streets of San Cristóbal de Las Casas, in the state of Chiapas, southeastern Mexico, with the aim of make violence visible and demonstrate against the government’s inaction in the presence of armed groups.

On June 14, inside the North Zone Market, for five hours, the inhabitants of 46 neighborhoods (neighborhoods) were terrorized by shootings in the open air with firearms for the exclusive use of the Army, where one person died and several cars and motorcycles were burned.

During the citizen’s march it was possible to appreciate fathers and mothers accompanied by their student children carrying banners with the legend: “living in peace is our right", "AMLO (President Andrés Manuel López Obrador) meets" either "In favor of peace, against omission”.

The demonstrators gathered outside the Municipal Police facilities, then began the walk to the building of the municipal presidency of San Cristóbal de Las Casas, where they pasted up the cardboard and demanded "firm hand" for the groups that sow terror in the city.

During the rally they demanded three points from the three government bodies. One of them is that the municipal council file a criminal complaint against whoever is responsible for the violent acts of June 14.

The second is that the state government and the federal government provide information on the progress of the investigations that were opened into the events and on the death of a 26-year-old young man, a collateral event in the five hours of confrontation between strongly armed groups. armed inside the North Zone Market.

They also asked that the coordinated operations in the city of San Cristóbal de las Casas and especially in the red dots that governments have identified.

Five days after the events, the authorities have not issued any balance of the open investigations to find those responsible. Therefore, for the second time the citizens took to the streets to demonstrate.

In the act, Alejandro Aldama, inhabitant and father of a family, told Efe: "We are mobilizing as civil society and parents because we are concerned about the insecurity in our city, about the violence, about the ineffectiveness and non-action of the National Guard, the Army, and the police that have practically left the people".

Rolando Mazariegos, a resident of San Cristóbal, said: “We believe that these marches help a little to shake off our fear, and to feel that we are trying to contribute to the social peace of San Cristóbal de las Casas.”


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