Home World They agree on a management plan for Sosúa beach

They agree on a management plan for Sosúa beach

Consensúan plan de ordenamiento en playa de Sosúa

Yesterday afternoon the rounds of talks between the Government and the Sosúa Beach Players Associationafter exhausting a day of socialization of the Reorganization project of said beach.

The 12 members of the Commission, who have been representing the Association in the process, met in this city with representatives of the Executing Unit for the Re-education of Neighborhoods and Environments (Urbe), members of the Executing Committee of Infrastructures of Tourist Zones ( Ceiztur) and representatives of the Ministry of Tourism, as well as with the President of the Tourism Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, Aníbal Díaz.

In all this process, Urbe was in charge of the uprisings and the censusas well as the socialization of the project with the informal merchants of the beach. The Mitur through the Ceiztur is in charge of the design and execution process of the work.

The rearrangement of Playa Sosúa is part of a National Plan initiated by the government whose general objective is the integral rescue of the beaches of our country. It is a high-impact plan that will allow national and foreign visitors to enjoy more orderly, cleaner and safer beaches, allowing informal merchants to have a decent work space.

This project that will be executed with an investment of more than RD$600 million, includes the construction and equipping of commercial premises, construction of restrooms, parking lots, lighting, furniture, offices, garbage disposal area, storage area and recreation areas. It also includes the adaptation of sidewalks and surrounding curbs.

The architectural design is integrated into the unevenness of the terrain, resulting in staggered or terraced structures that allow a privileged view of this beautiful place, as well as access to the entire beach. For this, the beach will be readapted for better public use by visitors, and freeing 60 meters of this coastal area from constructionwhich also today shows serious signs of erosion.

Additionally, as part of the social component, Mitur has negotiated with the Professional Technical Training Institute (Infotep), education and training courses for merchants and will also be managing with the Directorate for the Promotion and Support of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises ( Promipyme), low-cost loans for qualifying businesses.

Since the beginning of this project, the Government has expressed its interest in the reactivation of tourism in this destination of Sosúawhich has deteriorated in recent years due to the growth of prostitution and the trade in illegal substances.

The authorities have stated that their actions are aimed at creating better opportunities for residents.

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