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These 4 health benefits of squash

Pumpkin, butternut, pumpkin, squash… Behind the term “squash” hides several varieties belonging to the same family and which are full of benefits. Here are 4 good reasons to put these cucurbits on your plate more often when fall comes.

preserves the skin

Emblematic vegetables of autumn and winter, squash are rich in beta-carotene, or provitamin A. This pigment with antioxidant power, responsible for the orange color, neutralizes free radicals and slows down cell aging. In this period, it is also an ally in the fight against dull complexion.

Stimulates the immune system

In addition, squash contain many minerals (calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium…), which stimulate the body’s defenses. Eating a good butternut gratin thus helps to fight against winter ailments. Not to mention that beta-carotene also contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system.

protect the eyes

Another reason to taste cucurbits: they protect our eyes. And for good reason, these imposing vegetables contain lutein and zeaxanthin, two types of carotenoids that help preserve visual acuity, and this famous vitamin A. The latter is also involved in the creation of receptor cells located in the retina. .

Promotes transit

Rich in fiber (pectin), the tasty flesh of squash promotes transit and intestinal comfort. In case of constipation or bloating, nothing like a pumpkin or pumpkin soup. In addition, these vegetables have the advantage of being nutritious while being low in calories. There is therefore no reason to deprive yourself of it.

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