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There is no shame in deciding to end the war in Afghanistan: Biden

According to the international website, the president of the United States, Joe Biden, addressed the American people about the situation in Afghanistan. In his speech, Joe Biden said that the purpose of going to Afghanistan was not reconstruction, our mission in Afghanistan is to prevent terrorism.

“As president, I had only two options, whether to comply with the peace agreement or to fight in Afghanistan again. We spent billions of dollars on the Afghan army, provided all kinds of weapons and decided to withdraw troops from Afghanistan,” he said. He said. That’s right.

“The rapid disappearance of the Afghan government is a surprise. We used to pay the salaries of the Afghan forces. The Afghan army was not prepared to fight on its own. They surrendered. If the Afghan forces did not want to fight on their own, what did the US Army? “

Joe Biden said that Ashraf Ghani was recommended to negotiate with the Afghan Taliban, Ashraf Ghani rejected our proposal and said the Afghan army will fight, the deal with the Afghan Taliban was made by former President Trump, we blame the mistakes of others . no repeat

He said that China and Russia have done nothing for Afghanistan, China and Russia would like the United States to spend more dollars in Afghanistan, the US military cannot wage a war in which the Afghan military did not fight on its own, the protection of the Afghan people. . . Will continue to take steps to

Joe Biden said that he gave everything to the Afghan army but could not give the courage to fight, the Afghan forces are not prepared to fight, why should American soldiers lose their lives? The Afghans can no longer throw the Americans into war, the allies are driving the Afghan citizens out of Afghanistan, they will respond harshly if an attempt is made to stop the evacuation.

“The Americans in Afghanistan will be returned. Human rights must be a priority in our foreign policy. Once the withdrawal is complete, America’s longest war will be over. There is no shame in deciding to end the war in Afghanistan. “, He said. The decision to withdraw from Afghanistan is correct and in the interest of the American people.

Joe Biden added that he had closed his embassy in Afghanistan and called in staff, adding that if the Taliban attacked American interests, they would retaliate and continue to support the Afghan people.

Later in his tweet on the social networking site Twitter, Joe Biden said that our mission in Afghanistan was never to rebuild the nation, we went to Afghanistan 20 years ago with clear objectives, our goal was to attack 9/11. The Taliban had to be captured and al Qaeda would be prevented from using Afghanistan as a base for attacks.

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