Home World There is a lack of taxis and concho cars operating at night

There is a lack of taxis and concho cars operating at night

Faltan taxis y carros del concho operando de noche

Before the Covid-19 pandemic, many taxi drivers and drivers in the public passenger transport They woke up giving services to users, but now the work environment has changed, affecting numerous people who want to get home at night.

routes of the concho like the N, the M, the A and others woke up working, offering a service to many people in a city that, like Santiago, continues to grow and that although many sleep, others were awake.

Other routes remained working between 12 to 1:00 in the morning, but now they have shortened their schedule until 9 and 10:30 at night, said transport leaders.

But there are other routes in which their drivers at 8:00 at night finish dismounting the last passengers and go to their places, leaving many people without transportation services.

Salvador Germán, a driver on route M in Santiago, said that his cousin, who owns a public transport car, started shelling from 5:00 in the morning until 6:00 or 7:30 at night.

“And I woke up, like other drivers, because we were looking for the Moor, we were doing well, but now I don’t do it, not because of insecurity, because that has always existed, but because of the lack of passengers, it’s not worth taking the risk,” said.

Here there are supermarkets that work 24 hours a day, such as those located on 27 de Febrero and Estrella Sadhalá avenues, the latter near the entrance to Los Reyes.

The taxi drivers stationed in these and other establishments recalled that before the pandemic, between 15 and 20 of them provided services regardless of the hours of the day and night, but now they only do so between one and two and rotating shifts.

Most of those affected are employees and night students.

The president of the CNTT, Juan Marte, revealed that the service has been considerably reduced in Santiago.

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