Home Business Ávila Readies for Cir&Co International Festival’s New Edition

Ávila Readies for Cir&Co International Festival’s New Edition

Ávila hará malabares ante el mundo con una nueva edición del Festival Internacional Cir&Co

The International Circus Festival of Castilla y León, Cir&Co 2024, will take place from August 28 to September 1 in Ávila, a city renowned for its circus setting. The festival, with a budget of 283,000 euros, features 319 performances, a third more than the previous edition, in 13 locations throughout the city.

The festival, described as “a special festival because it is intended for families,” will showcase the works of 31 companies and artists from eight nationalities, including France, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, Argentina, Chile, Finland, and Spain. The program includes world premieres, national premieres, and innovative productions that will surprise the Ávila public.

The festival will also extend its reach to other locations in the province of Ávila, with the Provincial Council investing 22,000 euros to bring the “Theater in the Street” subsidy to 30 locations, seven of which will be dedicated to Cir&Co. The municipalities of Arévalo, Arenas de San Pedro, Las Navas del Marqués, Candeleda, Sotillo de la Adrada, El Tiemblo, and Cebreros will host the event.

The Deputy Mayor of Tourism, Sonsoles Prieto, praised the growth of Cir&Co, highlighting its international appeal and the commitment of the city’s hoteliers to hosting the circus. The coordinator of the festival, Enrique López, emphasized the involvement of all administrations and the exceptional commitment to culture in the province.

The festival will feature a range of disciplines, including clowning, music, dance, acrobatics, juggling, fixed trapeze, manipulation of objects, tightrope walking, balance, stilts, and magic. The program includes premieres by French, Italian, Belgian, and Swiss companies, as well as national premieres and world premieres.

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