Home World The WPO, crucial for the success of your e-commerce

The WPO, crucial for the success of your e-commerce

The WPO, crucial for the success of your e-commerce

As a result of the pandemic, electronic commerce, also known as e-commerce, has experienced significant growth. In fact, last 2021, e-commerce grew, in Spain, by approximately 25% compared to the previous year. However, due to its relative recent appearance, many businesses are still starting their transition to the digital world, so they may not be aware of the WPO and its importance to the success of any e-commerce.

What is the WPO

WPO stands for Web Performance Optimizations. In this way, as its name indicates, the WPO is a web optimizer, which allows pages to load quickly. In this post about WPO techniques for WooCommerceyou will be able to know all the tricks to apply it properly.

Nowadays, The optimization of a web page is a fundamental aspect, since a long load time will cause potential users to leave the page without having seen the content.. In this sense, the faster the load, the more pleasant the experience of our users on our website will be.

On the contrary, it is proven that if our website takes too many seconds to display the content, potential customers will end up visiting competitor websites, which will mean a loss of potential sales and, therefore, profits.

Why the WPO is crucial for your website

As we have mentioned before, it is essential that users have a smooth and pleasant experience when accessing our website. Thanks to this, we will be able to increase the number of visits to our website, so we will have more opportunities to sell our products and, above all, to position ourselves properly in web search engines.

What’s more, We must bear in mind that the WPO is not only key to the user experience, but Google itself will also take into account the optimization of our website when it comes to positioning it in its search engine.. Thanks to the number of visits and the positioning in Google and other search engines, we will prevent our potential clients from turning to the competition due to the poor quality of our website.

Today, thanks to e-commerce platforms like WooCommerce,it is relatively easy to start our own online business. However, we must always keep in mind aspects such as the importance of the WPO and, specifically, the optimization of websites. Only in this way will we be able to increase the number of visits, customers, purchases and, finally, profits.

How to improve the speed of my website

To optimize the speed of a web page, there are a series of tricks that can be of great help. The first of them is to choose a hosting that allows us to enjoy a good loading speed.

In addition, It will also be important to choose, when building our website, templates that are light and, therefore, load quickly. For this reason, we should not only look at the design of the template, but we should also make sure that it is well optimized.

Equally, if you are using WordPress you can use different plugins that will allow you to gain more loading speed for your website. In this sense, caching plugins, which show a copy of the website to users, help considerably to improve the optimization of the pages.

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