The US has given a stern warning to Putin

Washington: US President Joe Biden has warned Russian President Putin that the US and its allies are not going to panic. The US is fully prepared to defend every inch of NATO territory with its NATO allies.

According to an international media report, while expressing a strong reaction to the initiative of the Russian President to declare some areas of Ukraine as part of Russia, American President Joe Biden has said that Putin, you cannot make us afraid.

Russian President Putin announced the annexation of 4 regions of Ukraine yesterday and on this occasion he also threatened to use nuclear weapons to defend these regions.

Putin said that the United States has set an example by using nuclear weapons against Japan in the Second World War, and the territories annexed to Ukraine will always be part of Russia.

In his reaction to the Russian President’s statement, the American President described Putin as a careless person and said that Putin cannot scare us, America and its allies are not going to be scared.

During a speech at the event at the White House, Joe Biden issued a warning to the Russian president and pointed his finger at the camera, addressing Putin directly.

Joe Biden said that the US is fully prepared to defend every inch of NATO territory with its NATO allies.

On the other hand, the Secretary General of NATO has also described this accession of Russia as very serious.

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