The Supreme Court enshrines the right to carry weapons outside the home

The United States is not ready to turn its back on its guns. The Supreme Court on Thursday invalidated a New York state gun law, enshrining the right of Americans to leave their homes armed.

This decision, taken by a majority of six out of nine judges, all conservatives, comes as the country is still reeling from a series of deadly shootings, one of which, on May 24, killed 21 people in a primary school. from Texas.

“A victory” for the NRA, a “dark day” for New York

The NRA, the powerful arms lobby, hailed a “victory” after the Supreme Court ruling. “The NRA wins a victory! exclaimed the National Rifle Association on Twitter, pointing out that the high court had declared “unconstitutional” the “restrictions” on the carrying of weapons provided for by a law of the State of New York. “The Supreme Court has affirmed that the right to bear arms DOES NOT STOP AT THE DOOR OF THE HOME,” she continued.

On the other hand, the governor of New York lamented a “dark day”. It’s “scandalous, absolutely outrageous that they took away our rights to enjoy sensible restrictions” on guns, the chief executive of one of America’s toughest states has told reporters. carrying firearms. “I am sorry that this dark day has come,” added the elected Democrat.

Joe Biden “deeply disappointed”

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, declared himself “deeply disappointed” by this decision “contrary to common sense”. This judgment of the highest American court, which enshrines the right of Americans to leave their homes armed, “is contrary to common sense and to the Constitution”, estimated in a press release the American president, who “calls on all Americans ( …) to raise their voices on gun safety. Lives are at stake.”

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New York Mayor Eric Adams said Thursday he fears that the Supreme Court’s ruling that enshrines the right of Americans to leave their homes armed will fuel “a wave of gun violence”. “We will cooperate to stem the risks created by this decision once implemented because we cannot let New York turn into the Wild West,” said the Democratic city councilor, a former police officer who fought against the crime. gun violence the backbone of his tenure.

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