The Saudi passport department solved the important problem

Riyadh: The Saudi Passport and Immigration Department has solved the problem of foreign nationals.

According to Arab media, on the Twitter handle of the license, a citizen discovered that the mobile SIM registered on Abshar was lost due to which Abshar’s one-time password and ‘Tukalna’ could not be accessed. What should I do?

The Saudi Passport Department explained that they should contact the technical department of Abshar, whose number is 920020405, to inform them of their problem here and they will solve the problem.

Remember that mobile number is required for your registration on Abshar app. Entering the ‘One Time Password’ opens the Abshar Account, so the account will not be opened until the One Time Password is entered in the Abshar Account.

Can’t enter Saudi Arabia

It should be noted that in order to create an account on the Abshar platform, it is necessary to enter the number of the registered mobile SIM in one’s own name after which the account is created.

The Saudi Interior Ministry has provided other apps, including ‘Abshar’ and ‘Muqeem’, to help digitally resolve the issues of locals and foreigners.


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