“The resignation of popes must not become a ‘fashion'”, says Pope Francis

“I believe that the Pope’s ministry is ad vitam. I see no reason why it should not be so.” In an interview with 82 Congolese Jesuits published Thursday, February 16 by the journal Civilta cattolicaPope Francis confirmed that he had written a letter of renunciation, two months after his election in March 2013, in the event of “health problem” preventing him from performing his duties. “However, this does not at all mean that the resignation of popes should become, let’s say, a ‘fashion’, a normal thing”qualified the sovereign pontiff during this interview carried out on February 2 during his visit to Kinshasa.

“Benedict XVI had the courage to do it, because he did not wish to continue because of his health. It is not on my agenda at the moment.”

Pope Francis

in the magazine “Civilta Cattolica”

“If, on the other hand, we listen to the ‘chatter’, we should change popes every six months, he adds. Historical tradition is important.”

Speculation around a possible renunciation of Jorge Bergoglio, 86, who now moves in a wheelchair, against a backdrop of tensions within the Church, has redoubled in intensity in recent months. Pope Francis, who will mark his tenth anniversary of pontificate next month, had so far left “open door” a renunciation similar to that of his predecessor, Benedict XVI, who took the whole world by surprise.

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