The PSG wants to give exit to several youngsters

Although Edouard Michut and Xavi Simons have settled, albeit timidly, in the first team, PSG is still a team in which young people, unfortunately, have no place in the short term. According to information from RMC Sports, the Parisian team could lighten the squad in the coming weeks and several players from the training center are favorites to leave the French capital in the summer.

Those concerned with this philosophy of PSG are the players who belong to the generation of 2001 and 2002. These are the cases of Alexandre Fressange (left back in 2002), Teddy Alloh (left back in 2002), Massinisa Oufella (midfielder in 2001), Tidjany Chabrol (midfielder in 2002) and Anfrane Ahamada (defensive midfielder in 2002). To a lesser extent, right-back Nathan Bitumanzala is also on the off-ramp, the latter being the only one to have had any first-team minutes this season, in a 4-0 win against Clermont.

The whole of the French capital would also like to degrease the overbooking that has been generated in the quarry with the generation of 2003 and 2004. Regarding the first, Samuel Noireau-Dauriat could leave on loan in the coming weeks. With the second, players like Lenny Manisa (central) or Jordan Monteiro (left back), who do not enjoy minutes with the under 19 team coached by former player Zoumane Camará, are looking for an outlet to try to enjoy minutes with other teams.

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