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The peasants of Monte Grande threaten protests if Abinader inaugurates a part of the work

Los campesinos de Monte Grande amenazan con protestas si Abinader inaugura una parte de la obra

Residents of communities located in the environment where the dam is being built. great mountainin Barahona, warned that they are opposed to President Luis Abinader going to inaugurate the wall, 98% built, as well as the houses where they would be relocated.

“We have clearly established that we are resolutely opposed to an inauguration of the works,” they stated at a press conference held at the premises of the Dominican College of Journalists (CDP), in the National District.

The proposals are contained in a document read by Santo Esteban Florián, president of the Committee for the Protection and Defense of the Los Güiros community in Azua.

The document, according to Florián, was addressed to President Luis Abinader, the presidents of the Senate, Eduardo Estrella; and of the deputies, Alfredo Pacheco; as well as the Ombudsman, Pablo Ulloa and the director of the Institute of Hydraulic Resources (Indrhi), Olmedo Caba.

dialogue or fight

In addition to Florián, the press conference was attended by, among others, the presidents of the Protection and Defense committees of the Monte Grande community, Marcia Méndez; from La Meseta, Israel Vargas; San Simon, Serapio Ferreras; Nelson García, from Manzanillo, Boca de La Mula and Hato Nuevo; and Benardo Vargas, from the Association of Lemon Producers and other items.

“We are making these proposals to you. We expect answers within 10 working days from the delivery of this document so that we can dialogue. On the contrary we will be forced to resort to the method of struggle that we consider appropriate”, reads the document.

The work of seasickness

The peasants of the communities around the Monte Grande dam described as “dizzy” the treatment they have received in relation to the economic settlement, which is the component of the work related to the lands where they would be settled so that they work and obtain the sustenance of their families.

This component, they specified, we have baptized it with the name of the work of dizziness of the dam”, because since 2013 it has been defined in concrete ways.

They referred to 27 thousand tasks located in the place they call Tuna Caleroclose to the community of Vuelta Grande, which “have no agricultural vocation, however, there is enough land there to make the settlement.”

This year, that is, in 2022, the land located for the economic settlement is in Cerro de Las Colmenas, near the town of Quita Coraza, “where there are studies of groundwater and the places where They can drill holes.

The document mentions that the peasants of the communities impacted by the dam “we have visited places where dams have been built and also displaced communities and they have told us that the commitments assumed by the authorities to execute them after the inauguration are not fulfilled…” .

“We do not want the same thing to happen to us, “so we are proposing that the town center and the economic settlement be inaugurated when they are finished, not before,” said the peasants.

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