The number of purchases with Bizum doubles during the days of Black Friday this year

purchases with bizum during the days of Black Friday (from Thursday, December 24, to Monday, December 27) once again show significant growth in the use of the immediate payment solution through the Spanish bank’s mobile phone in online commerce. The total number of operations carried out with Bizum in this period doubled compared to the same period in 2021, exceeding 362,000 e-commerce operations.

The total volume of those purchases exceeded 23.3 million euros, practically double that in 2021. The day with the highest number of transactions was Friday (black friday), with 94,000 purchases worth more than 6.5 million euros.

These figures show the integration of Bizum in the daily life of Spaniards also when it comes to making their purchases. In fact, this payment solution already has almost 22.5 million users and, according to some market studies, its market share in online commerce payments exceeds 20% for the first time.

More and more online businesses are joining in offering Bizum as a payment solution. Specifically, there are already 40,000 businesses where you can pay with Bizum. “On specific dates, such as Black Friday week, Bizum provides businesses with a fast, easy and secure payment solution for their customers, who can pay for their purchases directly with their account using only their phone number and through of a solution that they know, in which they trust and, moreover, that they use more and more regularly. During 2023, Bizum entities will continue to incorporate new facilities, such as subscription payments, which will allow the use of Bizum to continue to be extended in businesses”, points out Ángel Nigorra, CEO of Bizum.

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Increasingly everyday use

Since Bizum was born in October 2016, bizumers have made almost 1,500 million immediate transfers for more than 75,000 million euros through Bizum. Of these, more than 6.75 billion have taken place in 2022. In fact, Spain leads Europe in the use of immediate transfers, with 48.82% of the total compared to 13.29% of the European average. And it is that almost 60% of the adult population uses Bizum in our country, and eight out of 10 users use it at least once a month.

In addition to a payment solution between individuals and in online commerce, bizumers also rely more and more on Bizum as a vehicle to make their donations to a growing range of charitable organizations and causes, which now number more than 7,000. Since the launch of this functionality in 2018, more than one million donations have already been made through Bizum. Furthermore, thanks to the initiative bizum.helpusers and organizations have a meeting point where users have at their disposal a wide range of causes to which they can offer their help and organizations enjoy a free space to report on their work and solidarity projects.

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