Home World the most important information you should know

the most important information you should know

Selling online offers great advantages, including reaching new customers and reaching new markets. A country with great potential for sales cross-border it’s brazilso the survey shows NielsenIQ|Ebit Webshoppers and Bex’s Pay. International online transactions in Brazil in 2021 moved around 36.2 billion reais in 2021, an increase of 60% compared to the 32% increase in general electronic commerce.

The 68% of Brazilian online consumers bought imported products last year and 71% intend to continue shopping in 2022. Buying from foreign sites is a way of saving money for many consumers in the country, specifically 63% justify their purchases for this reason.

Brazilian e-commerce is experiencing its phase of growth and maturation. In 2021 it grew by around 27% and reached 182.7 million euros in sales. Brazil already has a population of 213.3 million people, of which a total of 87.7 million consumers buy products online; furthermore, the average ticket of these it reaches 85.87 euros.

«Brazilians’ evaluation of foreign websites is the best in the last three years, largely due to the reduction in delivery time. This shows that Brazilians have an appetite for consuming products from abroad, which is often hampered by technical issues of the shopping trip. With the improvement of this experience, cross-border e-commerce should grow even more“, it states Marcelo Orsanai, e-commerce manager at NielsenIQ|Ebit.

What should I know about Brazil to sell cross border

To sell in other markets, you have to know the needs and purchasing habits of consumers in that country. In the report of NielsenIQ|Ebit and Bexs Pay It explains which are the categories of products that Brazilians consume the most, among them we find:

  • Fashion (45%)
  • Electronics (48%)
  • Home and Decoration (35%)

In addition, the study has allowed to know which have been the most interesting foreign platforms in the last year. He has the first place shopeesince a 56% of purchases were made through it (8% in 2020). Second place is from Shein with a twenty-one% (practically non-existent in Brazil until then). Third place belongs to aliexpress with a 44% (vs. 52% in 2020). And lastly, there is amazon with the 44% (49% in 2020). The two large marketplaces have seen their sales decline in the country during the last year.

The increase in interest in international purchases in this country has been motivated by the decrease in delivery times. Today the average wait is 28 daysa period that was previously 42 days, in 2019.

Brazil has introduced some changes in recent years to facilitate the sale and purchase of products in other markets. Luiz Henrique Didier Jr, CEO of Bexs Pay explains to us that “the integration of the most popular means of payment in Brazil has facilitated the consumption of goods from abroad for ordinary citizens”. When this had not yet happened, the only Brazilians who could buy outside the country were those who had an international credit card. However, now there are other tools to buy online such as national or even Pix cards. “This change, which may seem subtle to many, made a difference in democratizing access to products around the world“, it states Henrique.

Have an e-commerce responsive website It is also a great advantage to reach this market, since mobile phones have gained a large number of followers for online purchases. In 2021 they became the most used device, representing 59% of all purchases made through eCommerce.

Benefits and challenges in cross border sales

Selling to other countries increases the visibility of our eCommerce, as well as web traffic and even sales volume. In addition, the cross-border It can be quite an advantage in crisis situations, because our country can go through a bad time, but we can sell to other countries.

However, not everything can be positive. Developing an internationalization strategy is not easy, and there is more and more competition. Therefore, it is crucial to develop a good strategy always focusing on adapting the digital experience to the profile of the local consumer, the more you know about him and the more eCommerce adapts, the more likely you are to convince him to buy.

Some of the points to keep in mind are:

  • Tax and legal regulations
  • Idiom
  • Customs
  • Taxes
  • Payment methods
  • Logistics and reverse logistics

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