Home World The first public execution since the Afghan Taliban took over

The first public execution since the Afghan Taliban took over

The first public execution since the Afghan Taliban took over

The Taliban publicly executed a man convicted of murder in Afghanistan on Wednesday.

According to the World News Agency, the Taliban have confirmed the implementation of the death penalty for the first time after coming back to power.

In a statement, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid referred to the justice of “an eye for an eye” in the interpretation of the Islamic law of retribution and said that the Supreme Court was instructed to uphold this principle of retribution in a public gathering of compatriots. Execute the order.

It should be noted that last month, Taliban Supreme Leader Hibatullah Akhundzada ordered judges to fully implement aspects of Islamic law, including public executions, stoning, flogging and amputating of thieves.

Since the Supreme Leader’s directive, the Taliban have flogged many criminals in public gatherings, but this is the first time the Taliban have accepted public executions in Qisas.

The statement identified the near death man as Taj Mirul Ghulam Sarwar and said he was a resident of Anjeel district in Herat province who had killed a man with a knife in the past.

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