Home World Terrible earthquake in Turkey and Syria, destruction everywhere, deaths exceed 5 thousand

Terrible earthquake in Turkey and Syria, destruction everywhere, deaths exceed 5 thousand

The number of people killed in the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria has increased to 5000, bodies continue to be found

In Turkey and Syria, the death toll has exceeded 5,000, thousands of people have been injured, many buildings have become piles of rubble, and large-scale relief activities are underway.

According to the foreign news agency, the earthquake was followed by more than 300 aftershocks, including 7.5 and 5.7 magnitude earthquakes. It should be noted that on Monday, February 6, a terrible earthquake of magnitude 7.8 occurred in the eastern region of Turkey at 4:17 a.m. local time, after which dozens of aftershocks and another earthquake of magnitude 7.5 occurred within 6 hours. .

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According to the latest reports, the number of people killed in the terrible earthquake in Turkey has exceeded 3,500, while more than 25,000 people are injured, hundreds of people are missing.

With the passage of time, the chances of survival of the people buried in the debris are decreasing, rescue teams are engaged in rescue operations using heavy machinery, drills and cutters among other tools.

A girl was pulled alive from the rubble of a building in Arafa, Turkey.

In a video circulating on Twitter, rescue workers can be seen pulling out a 10-12-year-old girl, whose face, head and clothes are covered in dust, from the rubble of a building.

According to media reports, several thousand buildings have been almost completely destroyed, while thousands of buildings have been partially damaged, hundreds of people are still buried in the rubble, and rescue operations are underway to evacuate them.

## Turkish president

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan imposed a state of emergency in the country for three months, schools have been closed in many provinces.

Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan has said that more than 3 thousand buildings were affected by the earthquake in Turkey. After the earthquake, 45 countries have offered to help.

He said that while trying to deal with the worst earthquake in history, we cannot assess the damage caused by the earthquake at present, our first priority is to evacuate the people buried under the debris.

According to reports, more than 8,000 people, including women and children, have been rescued from the rubble.

The United Nations has expressed fear of more than 20 thousand deaths in the terrible earthquake. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the number of victims may be 2.3 million.

According to the US Seismological Center, the magnitude of the earthquake was recorded at 7.8 on the Richter scale, the epicenter was the Turkish border town of Karaman Meras and its depth was about 14 km.

The earthquake was so severe that its effects were also felt in Lebanon, Israel, Cyprus, Greece and Armenia, but the greatest loss of life and property occurred in Turkey and Syria.

According to the report, hundreds of people are buried in the rubble of the collapsed buildings in Ankara, and the rescue operations are facing serious difficulties due to the snowfall and bad weather.

According to the foreign media, due to the earthquake, the land route of many areas has also been cut off, the communication system is also disrupted, the electricity supply has been suspended in many areas, while the mobile phone service has also been suspended.

According to the report, there was a shortage of beds and medicines in the hospitals, a terrible fire broke out after containers fell during the earthquake at the port of Iskandron, where smoke can be seen rising from various containers.

Evening situation

According to the Syrian Ministry of Health, more than 3,000 people have been killed and thousands injured in the provinces of Aleppo, Latakia, Hama and Tartus. I am also facing difficulties in relief operations.

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad also appealed for help from the international community for the destruction caused by the terrible earthquake.

Iran and Iraq have started sending aid supplies, Russia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Qatar have assured aid, along with the United Nations.

According to the report, the destroyed Syrian city of Aleppo has become a ruin, there are piles of debris everywhere in Idlib, it is difficult to reach aid in many areas due to bad weather.

According to the authorities, the Anivala earthquake in Turkey on Monday is the worst earthquake since 1999. More than 17 thousand people were killed in the 1999 earthquake.

According to the report, earthquake tremors were also felt in Cyprus, Greece, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Georgia and Armenia. Italy issued tsunami warning after strong earthquake in Turkey.

After the terrible earthquake in Turkey and Syria, the international community expressed its condolences to the victims. Azerbaijan, NATO and the European Union sent rescue teams to Turkey, Ukraine and Russia also offered support to Turkey.

The United States and the United Kingdom also announced to send aid to Turkey affected by the earthquake, the Arab League has appealed to the international community to help Turkey and Syria.

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