Home Sports Tello to Osasuna sentences the future of Chimy Ávila

Tello to Osasuna sentences the future of Chimy Ávila

Tello to Osasuna sentences the future of Chimy Ávila

The former Betis attacker could land again in Spain, this time to join Jagoba Arrasate’s project, and the position for this would be the one currently held by the Argentine striker

Sources close to the striker’s environment Christian Tello they would be affirming that the CA Osasuna has a high interest in the player. The reason, in addition to being a free agent, is that Jagoba Arrasate has always liked his profile and this is the perfect opportunity for the sports management of the rojillo club to activate the network.

The same sources around Christian Tello They also stated that the player from Sabadell would reach the Osasuna replacing nothing more and nothing less than the Argentine Ezequiel el Chimy Ávila. Nobody understands this operation when we talk about one of the best attackers in the Navarrese team compared to a footballer who could not succeed in the MLS.

Chimy Ávila sounds strong to reach Atlético de Madrid.

The reason why Chimy Ávila will be the sacrifice of Osasuna for the arrival of Tello

This season the gaucho striker has played 1,017 minutes spread over 16 games where he has scored 6 goals and 1 assist. In this way we can affirm that his eventual departure from the Pamplona entity is not due to discontent on the part of the coach with respect to his level. In fact, that performance is the one that has Atlético de Madrid very aware of him.

In the game last weekend against Athletic, Ávila did not play a single minute, which already seems to be suspicious. Everything seems to indicate that the rojillo team is thinking of doing business with the mattress team and that Cristian Tello could be the replacement since it would not represent a cost for being in free agency.

Cristian Tello wants to resume his level and Osasuna is the perfect place

Before entering free agency, the ex-Barcelona striker spent the last 6 months of last year in the United States. With the Los Angeles FC jersey, he played just 5 games where he didn’t score a single goal. For this reason, the North American club did not want to extend his contract, and he now has a new opportunity for redemption in the rojillo team.

The best way to recover the level that made him stand out in teams like Barcelona, ​​Porto, Fiorentina and Betis, is to be back in the top flight of Spanish football. With the departure of Chimy Ávila, Cristian Tello has a great chance of adding many minutes in the sporting field, and why not he to be the starter.

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