Home World Ted Cruz, the far-right US senator who adds embarrassment after embarrassment

Ted Cruz, the far-right US senator who adds embarrassment after embarrassment

Ted Cruz, the far-right US senator who adds embarrassment after embarrassment

US Senator Ted Cruz is one of the main exponents of the right wing of the Republican Party. In the last few hours, he gave the note by getting into the internal affairs of Argentina and calling for the conviction of Cristina Fernández de Kirchner for corruption.

Born in 1970 in Canada, to a Cuban father, Cruz entered the Senate in 2012 and revalidated his seat in 2018. In between, in 2016, he competed in the Republican presidential primaries, in which he was defeated by Donald Trump. He stands out for his positions against abortion, the decriminalization of drug use and same-sex marriage.. He is also tough on immigration and disbelieves in global warming.

Even so, the ultra-conservative calls even more for embarrassing situations that make him look ridiculous.

In 2021, he was unpleasantly surprised by his vacation in Cancun while much of the state of Texas was without power due to a strong storm. When it was known, she came out to defend herself with an extremely curious argument: “Our girls wanted to go on a trip and I wanted to be a good father”. To get out of that bad step, he had no better idea than to share images distributing water on social networks.

At the beginning of his tenure as a senator, he drew attention, in 2013, for his attempt to defund Obamacare, President Barack Obama’s health program. In what was an open attempt by Republicans to shut down the federal government, he gave a 21-hour speech. The closing of the speech could not be more unfortunate. He compared the initiative to the Bataan Death March, one of the most chilling episodes of World War II. He should have apologized to veterans of the biggest conflict in history.

“If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, no one would convict you”. This was said by Senator Linday Graham, a senator who became his campaign manager. Thus he wanted to graph about the sympathies that aroused among his peers.

Cruz was a critic of Trumpism. He did not stop lashing out at the tycoon in the 2016 internship when he pointed to his Cuban father as involved in the assassination of John Kennedy, something absolutely false. And he did not support the presidential nomination at the Republican convention. However, over the years mutated into a fervent defender of Trump, to the point of questioning the results of 2020. To such an extent that even after the capture of the Capitol he voted against the consecration of Joe Biden as president.

Finally, it should be noted that in the 2016 campaign, when he announced that he was withdrawing from the race for the White House candidacy, he hugged his father and in the same movement hit his wife with his elbow.

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