TarifaMásBarata brings us the definitive self-consumption guide to help the planet and save on the bill

With all the information available and with new technologies, it gets easier and easier move away from traditional energy consumption, through the national electricity grid, and defend their own solutions. Energy self-consumption is spreading faster and faster and it’s not surprising. First, because it helps us to save, especially now that the electricity bill rocket. Secondly, because it is ideal for preserving the environment.

Sustainability is on everyone’s lips. Global warming is already a reality and, little by little, protocols are being established and offering alternatives to take care of the planet we live on. Precisely for this reason, self-consumption begins to gain even more strength. It’s a solution that allows us to reduce the damage we do to the planet and, at the same time, hurt our pockets less. Of course, How to start consuming electricity alone?

Launch into self-consumption with the help of TarifaMásBarata

There are many alternatives to explore this path, but in a country like Spain, with such a good and sunny climate, the option that has the most followers and has shown the most effectiveness is that of solar self-consumption. through the installation of solar panels and battery, you can not only enjoy electricity at home, but also heating and hot water. A single installation offers three different energy solutions and applications for a single house. It’s an interesting proposal, of course, but one that requires some preparation beforehand.

In this sense, TarifaMásBarata offers the necessary help. If you are in doubt, if you don’t know where or how to start, if you think that this type of installation does not suit you, or even if you don’t know to what extent you can make a legal solar installation at home, they will help you. In fact, they have published a very complete guide in which they clarify any doubts that may arise in this regard, available at the link above.

Your goal is that whoever wants take the step towards sustainability through self-consumptionor, can do that. Your solution also arrives on time. The cold starts to approach the thermometers and the cost of electricity just gets more expensive with the new electricity tariffs. Therefore, defending solar energy is the best solution to avoid this winter spending spike, now more pronounced than ever.

But what exactly does the TarifaMásBarata portal offer? It doesn’t just answer questions, it does much more than that. Let’s roll it up so you can see that it’s really easy and that there are no more excuses to enjoy the benefits of solar energy with your own solar panels at home. You won’t have to do math, you won’t have to worry about researching. They are responsible for covering all fronts.

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What this expert guide on self-consumption offers

Did you know that exist state aid for those who want to enjoy solar energy at home? That’s one of the things this team clarifies through their dedicated web portal. We said they leave no doubt in the air, and we’re not exaggerating. They give you prices so you know how much an installation might cost, explain the total energy you can generate, and even make it easy to contact experts so they can get to work on your installation as quickly as possible.

If you do not know how long would it take to amortize the installation of solar panels or batteries, they do the calculation so that you have a good reference. They cover everything and even expand, as we said, so that you can move with total security in this pioneering field in the domestic sphere. Not surprisingly, they have the The most complete installers directory in Spain and solar energy professionals.

One of the most important points they address is the subsidies for self-consumption. The TarifaMásBarata portal also brings a guide that helps to understand how these subsidies are obtained, what are the requirements they have and how much money they can offer, separating them also by autonomous communities. Because, although behind everything there is an order of state, this type of financial aid usually depends on the territory. where the installation is done.

is the best time to start explore the world of self-consumption and prepare a good one solar installation at home. Tools are more accessible than ever and professional teams are increasingly prepared. Now, to make matters worse, with portals like the one we’ve just explored, we have everything we need to take that step. It only remains to stop doubting and get excited, a more sustainable and cheaper future awaits us. One dependent on nothing but the Sun, an inexhaustible source of energy.

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