Sun Explode Earth: Energy emanating from the sun will explode on the earth? Humans will get superpowers, shocking revelation

Sun Energy Explode Earth - India TV Hindi News
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Sun Energy Explode Earth


  • The claim of explosion on the earth from the energy of the sun
  • The person who called himself a time traveler gave information
  • In November, Energy spoke of an explosion on Earth

Sun Explode Earth: New revelations are being made every day about all the things related to the Universe, including space, aliens and the Sun. Now such a news is making headlines, in which it has been said that the energy emanating from the sun can cause an explosion on the earth. If this happens, then humans will get superpowers. This claim has been made by a Tiktok user who describes himself as a ‘time traveller’. He has also claimed that the energy emanating from the sun will cause an explosion on the earth and it will create superheroes and supervillains here. Right now it will be difficult to say how much truth is in these claims, but this video of a user named Time Voyaging is being seen a lot. It is clear that people are interested in getting information about the future, whether the person in front is telling the truth or a lie.

According to the Daily Star report, in his video, a Tiktok user has warned that in November 2022, the Sun will blast a rare energy towards the Earth, which will give superpowers to 10 people. He claims that those most affected by the explosion will have powers ranging from telekinesis (the psychic power or ability to move objects at a distance without touching anything) to infinite stamina, but not all of them can be used for good. will do. In the video, the Tiktok user says, ‘Be careful! Yes, I am a real time traveller, soon 10 people will get superpowers. On November 14, 2022, a rare energy wave will emerge from the Sun, which will hit the Earth.

10 people claim to get power

He has further said, ’10 people who are badly affected by this will get superpowers. Some powers will be good, like better stamina and telekinesis but some will be very bad and can ruin your life. As soon as this video was shared, there was a flood of comments from people on it. Some people asked for more information related to these claims while many refused to believe these claims. A user asked, ‘What are the names of the people who will get the power.’ Another user asked, ‘I will be out for the whole day to get my power. I will not use them for good. Of course, there is a lot of discussion about this strange claim on social media but we cannot confirm it.

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danger of disaster on the side of the earth

A few days before this, another big news came about the Sun itself. In which it was said that a great disaster is moving towards the earth from the sky. It said that on July 19, a big solar storm could hit the Earth. Which is estimated to be so powerful that it can affect radio signals and GPS. Scientists of the US space agency NASA said that there is a possibility of the storm hitting the Earth. If this happens, then it can cause many problems on the earth itself. Researchers related to the solar system say that the radio blackout may be due to the storm. If this happens, the devices powered by GPS technology will be turned off. However, nothing like this happened on this day.

Can solar storms harm humans on Earth?

Solar storms are powerful bursts of radiation. Although the harmful radiation from the waves cannot affect humans on the ground from the Earth’s atmosphere. If these become more lethal, they can affect the atmosphere in some layer, where there are GPS and communication signals. Many solar activities were observed in the year 2021. Because the sun was throwing a flame of fire. Several asteroids collided with our planet. However no one has been harmed. People are also afraid about solar storm because it can affect even the signal of mobile phone. There is a risk of blackout due to this. Solar storms are considered dangerous even if they occur at the G2 level.

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