Home Sports Skid in the debut of Delfi Brea and Bea González

Skid in the debut of Delfi Brea and Bea González

Skid in the debut of Delfi Brea and Bea González

The general feeling is that surprises always occur in the masculine box, and that order rules in the feminine. It is a sensation, which has nothing to do with pure statistics, and in fact, the men’s tournaments are divided between two couples (9 and 3), and in the feminine, three, then there is more variety Well, one of those three couples designated to fight for the Valencia Open, because they arrived after winning the Valladolid Master in a beautiful final, has debuted this morning, and afternoon left the room when it was sensed that Delfi Brea and Bea González were once again contenders for the final.

They have lost in two sets (6-3 and 7-6) against a couple from the middle of the table, Claudia Fernández and Julieta Bidahorria, who won the first set, and when they had a match point in the second they found a 5-6 score, which seemed to send the clash to the third; Well no, 7-6 in sudden death. In rooms they will have as rivals Lucía Sainz and Aranza Osoro, another Spanish-Argentine couple as well. For Delfi and Bea there is at least the consolation of knowing that they are not the only favorite couple to go home, because Jessica Castelló and Sofi Araujo skated against Lea Godalier and Marta Caparros (6-7, 6-3 and 6-1), and now they will face Tamara Icardo and Virginia Riera. The rooms are completed by Ari Sánchez and Paula Josemaría once again against Claudia Jensen and Vero Vírseda, and Marta Ortega and Gemma Triay against the Sánchez Alayeto Twins.

In the men’s box, however, Those indicated by the ranking are in the quarterfinals, and Tapia and Coello will have their rivals on Friday Yanguas and Belasteguín, the former of the best couple in the world today, but who until now have not shown any effective antidote on the court against them. Chingotto and Paquito Navarro are lucky for Stupaczuk and Di Nenno, on a pitch where the Sevillian can offer more than in recent defeats. Ale Galán with Sanz will face Maxi Sánchez and Lucho Capra, while Sanyo (who recovers the smile lost in Valladolid when he was an overwhelmed player) and Momo González against Tello and Álex Ruiz, who give the feeling that I have taken advantage of the rest week to gain rapport.

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