Indian cricket team opener Shikhar Dhawan is not part of the team at the moment. But Shikhar Dhawan is included in the list of current selected players who have played under the captaincy of Mahendra Singh Dhoni, Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma. Shikhar Dhawan kept opening for the India team under Rohit Sharma for a long time. Apart from this, he has performed brilliantly for India in ICC tournaments. Mahendra Singh Dhoni is the only captain to have won the ICC Champions Trophy, ICC ODI World Cup and ICC T20 World Cup.
After Mahendra Singh Dhoni, Virat Kohli took the reins of Team India. Actually, the captaincy style of Mahendra Singh Dhoni and Virat Kohli was different. Now Shikhar Dhawan has given his reaction on the captaincy of Mahendra Singh Dhoni and Virat Kohli. Shikhar Dhawan said that he has known Virat Kohli since he was 16 or 17 years old, when he started playing in Delhi. Virat Kohli has always been very confident. At the same time, when Shikhar Dhawan was asked how was the experience of playing under the captaincy of Virat Kohli, he gave an amusing answer to this question.
Shikhar Dhawan said that if you take it against the ego, then the fight will definitely come… This is an ego thing, isn’t it? He said that under the captaincy of Virat Kohli, he never let ego get in the way. If he thinks I’m a senior player, that I’m playing under him, then ego comes to the fore. There is no need for this, it should not happen at all. All these things don’t make sense to me. It does not work. He also said that Virat Kohli is my best friend, I have many memorable memories of him. He is a senior player in the India team but I still enjoy him because we have a great bond.