Shiba Inu’s Twitter account has posted a mysterious video. The video seems to hint at what appears to be a new project. Some community members suggested that the logo of one of the Ninja Turtles was on display. Other users claimed that they saw a treasure chest.
Mysterious video
The teaser is most likely related to Shiba Inu’s metaverse project. The team recently partnered with The Third Floor (TTF), one of the world’s most well-known visualization studios, which has worked on a slew of Marvel films and series. The company will be responsible for defining the virtual environments of the upcoming metaverse project.
On July 20, Shiba Inu’s Twitter account posted another teaser featuring palm trees during a storm. In response to the teaser, game veteran William Volk tweeted that “something” was coming. Volk, who was vice president of technology at game company Activision, joined the Shiba Inu team in November as a consultant.
Earlier this month, Shytoshi Kusama, the lead developer behind Shiba Inu, also hinted at a new stablecoin that will be part of the meme-coin ecosystem. Its rollout could take place as early as 2022.
Kusama also revealed that the project had managed to get new developers on board who would be responsible for redesigning Shiba Inu’s web portals.
In response to the teaser, many community members started asking about Shibarium, but it remains unclear when the highly anticipated Layer-2 solution will be available.