Home Sports Shengelia examines the resurgence of Spahija’s Baskonia

Shengelia examines the resurgence of Spahija’s Baskonia

Toko Shengelia trata de realizar un tapón a Van Rossom durante el CSKA Moscú-Valencia de la temporada 2020-21.

Toko Shengelia marked an epoch in Vitoria, of the players that you consider if you lift his shirt at the top of the Buesa Arena. He played at a stellar level, negotiated with the club the conditions of salary reduction in the middle of the pandemic, signed for the CSKA, starred in a border crossing between Georgia and Russia worthy of Tintin in Tibet and then became a first sword in the players union Europeans. People will stand up when his name thunders in the Buesa Arena (follow the game live on AS.com).

The Baskonia has the casualties of Alec Peters and Sander Raieste. The Estonian theoretically had a meniscus operation last summer and would return in November. And, precisely, in that month it is reported that it has a lowest month because the menisectomy has taken place now. Things from health companies that explain what they want based on confidential patient data. Better that they did not issue any statement.

Neven Spahija He made his debut with a good result against Red Star and wants to repeat against CSKA. “We understand that a game won does not mean much because the season is very long. The team has to remain serious and we want to repeat what happened on Tuesday but we know that the rival is a team of the greats in Europe, with a great coach and a great squad. Also is true that they have not started well the season but we know it will be a very tough game, “said the Croatian coach.

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