Bollywood Kangana Ranaut has returned to Twitter a few days ago. After this, she constantly tweets something about the success of Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathan film. Meanwhile, tweeting to a user reminded Kangana Ranaut that the previous film of hers flopped badly at the box office. Maybe that’s why he’s frustrated. In response to this tweet, the actress herself admitted that Dhakad was a historic failure.
One user tweeted: ‘Kangana ji’s film Dhakad earned just Rs 55 lakh on the first day and his lifetime collection was Rs 2.58 crore while Pathan earned more than Rs 100 crore on opening day. Kangana ji will definitely have frustration.
In response to this, Kangana Ranaut wrote: ‘Yes, Dhakad was a huge historical failure. When did I say no to this? SRK hee, this is the first movie in 10 years. We are also inspired by them. It is hoped that just as India gave him the opportunity, we too will get it. After all, India is big and generous. Long live Rama.
A few days ago, Kangana Ranaut raved about Shah Rukh Khan’s Pathan film during the closing party for his upcoming film Emergency. Kangana said, ‘Pathan is fine. Such a movie should continue. I think our Hindi film people who have been left behind, each person is trying at their level.’
Significantly, Shah Rukh Khan’s new film Pathan was released in theaters on 25th January. The film earned 55 crores nationwide on the first day. At ₹106 crore on the first day and ₹113.60 crore on the second day worldwide, the film has a worldwide gross. In this way, the film has grossed a worldwide collection of Rs 219 crores in just two days. Apart from Shah Rukh Khan, stars like Deepika Padukone and John Abraham have worked in Pathan film.