Seven Ways to Optimize Your Ecommerce Marketing Campaign


All companies can greatly benefit from stellar and solid marketing strategies, whether they are fresh in the game or have already established themselves as major industry players. It’s critical to keep up with the latest marketing trends and tactics being used by your competitors to always have an edge and attract new customers while retaining existing ones. For how to do this effectively, you can browse more info on verfacto.

In this article, we have compiled a list of some of the best-proven marketing techniques you can implement in your business to scale greater heights. 

1. Search Engine Optimization 

Arguably the most important tool for any eCommerce website, search engine optimization (SEO) allows businesses to ensure that their platforms are continuously tuned in to the latest trends and relevant content materials. SEO further ensures that the public can easily come across your content with just a few key searches, thus increasing the amount of traffic to your website. This makes SEO one of the best marketing returns on investments you can implement from the get-go. 

2. Adding the Human Touch

In the digital age, it can be easy to forget that customers are living and breathing individuals and not just data points in a spreadsheet. As such, brands can benefit from greater investments into their UI/UX to better serve their customers’ needs. Adding a personal touch to marketing content, with methods as simple as sending loyal customers birthday discount codes, can go a long way in customer retention and elevating your business favorably in the public eye. 

3. Social Media Marketing 

Ecommerce marketing on social media is an effective instrument. It allows you to have a personal, public conversation with your industry, clients, and market. The power of social media marketing has a direct impact on increasing traffic to websites as well as rapidly increasing consumer numbers which can naturally lead to increased revenue generated. 

It is also key to ensure diversification across all, if not most, social media sites to maximize traffic to your brand. It allows your business to increase its visibility across the social media spectrum, greatly growing your business along the way. 

Another effective tool is reaching out to social media influencers and bloggers who can further help promote your business on their platform. With an existing loyal fanbase, these influencers can channel more traffic to your websites, thus creating a new base of customers who already believe in your legitimacy as your brand has been endorsed by their favorite internet personality. 

4. Good Website UI/UX

Seven Ways to Optimize Your Ecommerce Marketing Campaign

As with the launch of any product, it is important to conduct testing phases to ensure that users find it easy and convenient to use and that it serves its purpose. One useful way to track if your website and landing pages offer value to customers is by utilizing heatmap software to track consumer behavior on web pages. 

This allows for better optimization of landing and product pages to suit what customers are looking for and what their focus tends to go toward.

A good website should feel easy and natural to use, offering a hassle-free online shopping experience to customers. 

5. Good Mobile UI/UX

Online shopping on to go has become extremely convenient with the rise of eCommerce mobile applications. It is extremely important to incorporate good UI/UX elements to ensure that your eCommerce business is appealing and enticing to potential customers. 

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Recent surveys have shown that the number of customers who use smartphones to make their online purchases is almost the same as those who shop on laptops and PCs. So be sure to optimize your content for both websites and mobile use and not just the former, as customers who shop on the go may be turned off from your brand if they are not able to have a good mobile user experience. 

6. Email Marketing 

Though it might seem a tad outdated, email is one of the best ways to keep in touch with your customers. Email marketing has been proven time and again to be the most effective in providing customers with information about product content, ongoing sales, and promotions as well as updates on the latest merchandise releases and company events. 

Web analytics comes into play in ensuring that email marketing is done right and that customers find email content useful and engaging. Email content has to hold enough value to customers such that they look forward to opening it in the inbox rather than marking your content as spam as time goes on. 

7. Content is King

Customers are always on the lookout for the new and the novel. Curating original content is a good way to ensure continuous engagement with your audience, and to keep them coming back for more valuable and unique information. 

Finding the right blend between your eccentricities as a company and keeping up with the latest trends may be a difficult line to walk, but authenticity goes a long way in keeping your brand fresh in the public eye.

Seven Ways to Optimize Your Ecommerce Marketing Campaign

What matters to your customers should be the central focus of how your content is designed. Content that is indicated as important by customers via tools such as web analytics should be given priority in marketing campaigns, to grab total attention from your audience. Keeping your content fresh and authentic sends a clear message to your customers that you are a brand that cares about them and what they want and need, not just about profits and margins. 

Consider also diversifying the types of content you offer. If your brand routinely posts blogs, you may consider adding demo videos on product pages to better engage and appeal to the different engagement styles of customers. Attention spans may vary from person to person, so while one customer may enjoy following a detailed blog post, another may greatly appreciate a one-minute explainer video instead. 


The marketing techniques listed above are by no means exhaustive and merely serve as a guideline for any eCommerce business to keep in their toolbox. Ultimately what matters is that your target audience can connect with your content and that they keep coming back for more. 

Finding the perfect blend of audience engagement, social media analytics, web analytics, and marketing methods will lead to your business succeeding further in the eCommerce sphere. 

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