Seven out of ten people do not diet in the summer, according to a Knoweats study

The recipe to ensure the success of the holidays and to be able to enjoy them begins with a good diet. Knoweats, the company from Alicante that is dedicated to the preparation and shipment to the entire peninsula of homemade and healthy food dishes, has carried out a study with its database, with the aim of drawing conclusions about habits and food in summer. 70% of those surveyed do not diet in summer, but they believe that it is important to take care of their diet. “At this time changes in the routine and the climatic conditions are different, for this reason it must be taken into account that taking care with the food ingested will allow you to enjoy the summer safely”, indicates Daniel Perez, CEO of Knoweats.

Like every year in summer, the undisputed queens of the Spanish pantries are fruits and vegetables, according to data from the last 2020 report on Food Consumption in Spain, carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. In this sense, the conclusions drawn from the study carried out by Knoweats, the foods preferred by their customers are salads, fruits and vegetables in more than 75% of cases, followed by gazpachos and cold soups in 15%.

Despite the fact that almost 70% of people say that they prefer not to go on a strict diet in summer, the truth is that healthy habits are evident. Regarding the consumption of vegetables, more than half of those surveyed indicate that they take two to three servings a day, followed by a third that consume five or six servings a week. Likewise, a 15% assure that their diet is based on the consumption of fruits and vegetables. On the other hand, legumes in salads are the number one option for 55% of those surveyed and a quarter indicate that they continue to eat them in stews and stews, despite the heat. Finally, to the question about how often they eat sweets and ice cream in summer, 40% indicate that they do so once a week and only 5% more than three times in the same period.

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The survey confirms the data from the latest study on Food Consumption in Spain on food cooking preferences. Thus, 60% of those surveyed by Knoweats choose grilled meals, followed by almost 20% who prefer to eat food without cooking or raw and 15% who choose roasts as their preferred method of preparing food. that are consumed without cooking or cold and in third place boiled or steamed foods.

The current shopping cart

Taking into account the current inflation context, Knoweats has asked its customers about the current shopping basket. More than half say that they have not limited the purchase of certain products, compared to 30% who indicate that they have, showing in doubt the rest. Among those who do state that they feel affected by inflation in their weekly purchases, the products they do without are, first of all, fish, followed by meat, bread and cereals, and finally fruit or vegetables, a figure that coincides with those of the latest Food Consumption study. According to the latter, among the first positions, in relation to the foods that Spaniards buy the most, are fresh fruits, vegetables and potatoes, along with milk and derivatives.

Food care, continuous improvement

Despite the healthy habits that the survey carried out puts on the table, the biggest challenge continues to be, for 35% of people, eating more fruit and vegetables, aware of the benefits it brings to their health. Also reducing the consumption of hamburgers, pizzas, or hot dogs is the objective of 30% of those surveyed, despite the fact that more than 60% affirm that they eat fast food only once or less a week. On the other hand, more than a third practice sport two or three times a week and almost a quarter of them do it more than three times a week.

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