Scandal affects the image of the Sánchez government

A sordid case of corruption with bribery, prostitution, drugs, and a socialist deputy as one of its protagonists, puts the party of the president of the Spanish government, Pedro Sánchez, in trouble at the beginning of an election year that looks turbulent for the left.

A retired Civil Guard general who hid more than 60,000 euros in a shoe box, an evening in a Madrid brothel, nights in a luxury hotel with Viagra, cocaine and prostitutes chosen from a catalog…

Since the end of February, the Spanish press has not stopped revealing details -with suggestive photos and supporting videos- of this scandal now known as the “Mediator case”, which affects several businessmen and some members of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE). by Pedro Sanchez.

At the center of the controversy stands out Juan Bernardo Fuentes, known as “Tito Berni”, a socialist deputy from the Canary Islands archipelago who was forced to resign by his party in February, shortly before he was arrested, along with his nephew and various businessmen.

According to a legal document consulted by AFP, this 60-year-old politician would have assisted companies that wanted to win public contracts, obtain European subsidies or avoid health inspections during the covid-19 crisis, in exchange for financial consideration.

Income of 5,000 euros

To benefit from this support, “the first step” consisted of making “a bank transfer of 5,000 euros” to a sports association chaired by the deputy through a Canarian businessman, Antonio Navarro -whose pseudonym, “El mediador”- has given name to the case

For an additional cost of about 3,000 to 3,500 euros more, businessmen could enjoy private visits to the Congress of Deputies, as well as party nights in discos and in a four-star hotel, the court document specifies.

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According to Antonio Navarro himself, who has given interviews in various Spanish media in recent days, they also organized a dinner in Madrid attended by 15 socialist deputies in the midst of a pandemic, despite the current health restrictions.

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