Home World Samuel Paty: The homage of Jean Castex to “a servant of the...

Samuel Paty: The homage of Jean Castex to “a servant of the Republic”

Prime Minister Jean Castex paid tribute to Professor Samuel Paty, killed a year ago to the day this Saturday for showing in class caricatures of Muhammad. A man presented as “a servant of the Republic (…) victim of Islamist terrorism and human cowardice”.

Professor Samuel Paty was “struck to death in the most abject conditions in the name of the most barbaric obscurantism, quite simply because he was fulfilling his mission in one of these colleges in France,” lamented the leader. of the government during a ceremony organized at the Ministry of Education where a plaque was inaugurated Jean Castex, alongside the parents and family of Samuel Paty.

On this plaque, we can read: “homage to Samuel Paty, September 18, 1973 – October 16, 2020, professor of history-geography and moral and civic education. Assassinated by an Islamist terrorist for having taught and defended the values ​​of the Republic, including freedom of expression ”.

“A victim of Islamist terrorism”

“To pay homage to Samuel Paty is to pay homage to the Republic”, underlined the Prime Minister, describing this professor as “a creative and determined teacher, inhabited by a form of vocation capable of raising awareness (…) victim of Islamist terrorism and human cowardice ”, alongside Minister Jean-Michel Blanquer and in the presence of the victim’s family and many former Ministers of Education.

On Saturday afternoon, during a commemorative march in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine (Yvelines) where Samuel Paty was assassinated, the Minister of Education also spoke at the microphone of CNEWS.

The latter also made a point of speaking by recalling that “Samuel Paty is an emblem, an emblem of freedom, and therefore an emblem of the Republic and for that, it is necessary to show a form of strength and serenity”.

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