Home World Russian “armed aggression” before the UN General Assembly on Monday

Russian “armed aggression” before the UN General Assembly on Monday

Russian "armed aggression" before the UN General Assembly on Monday

For or against Russia? This is, to put it simply, the question that the members of the UN will have to answer. Russia will indeed meet this Monday in front of the General Assembly of the organization during an “emergency extraordinary session” of its 193 members called to position themselves in favor of democracy and the sovereignty of Ukraine. or the warlike invasion decided by Vladimir Putin.

This meeting will begin at 10 a.m. (4 p.m. in France) with speeches by the President of the Assembly, Abdulla Shahid, and the UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres. A vote on a resolution is expected at the end of the speeches which should continue on Tuesday due to the very large number of speeches in anticipation.

Objective: exceed 100 votes in favor

Entitled “Russia’s unprovoked armed aggression against Ukraine”, the initial draft of this resolution, piloted by the Europeans in coordination with Kiev, “condemns in the strongest terms Russia’s aggression against Ukrainian”. Similar to an American-Albanian text co-sponsored by more than 80 Nations from all continents and rejected on Friday in the Security Council following a Russian veto, it calls for the immediate withdrawal of Russian troops from Ukraine and the cessation of fighting. Its authors hope to exceed a hundred votes in favor of this text, whereas in the General Assembly there is no right of veto.

In addition to a position with regard to Ukraine, the extraordinary session of the General Assembly of the UN – about ten organized only since 1950 – will be a barometer of the evolution of the world, according to diplomats. For the Albanian ambassador to the UN, Ferit Hoxha, whose country is a non-permanent member of the Security Council, the question goes beyond Ukraine. ” Who will be the next one ? he asked after Russia entered the war on February 24.

This question was then taken up by the United States, while concerns are growing for Moldova and Georgia. Several countries also fear “that the international order would be changed forever if Russia were to win in Ukraine,” said a senior diplomat on condition of anonymity.

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