Home World Russia thinks it will emerge “stronger” from the Wagner rebellion

Russia thinks it will emerge “stronger” from the Wagner rebellion

Did you miss the latest events on the war in Ukraine? Do not panic, 20 minutes takes stock for you every evening at 7:30 p.m. Who did what ? Who said what? Where are we ? The answer below.

The fact of the day

With more we can do better. This is what the Ukrainian army says in essence, which is limited in its counter-offensive by a lack of armament, in particular combat planes, estimates its commander-in-chief Valery Zalouzhny in an interview published on Friday by the washington post.

“It pisses me off,” he says of Westerners who complain about kyiv’s slow progress against the Russians as they deliver weapons too slowly, he says. To compete with Russian air power, Ukraine needs the promised F-16 fighter jets as soon as possible, insists the general-in-chief. “We don’t need 120 planes. I’m not going to threaten the entire planet. A small number will be enough, he says again in the columns of the American daily. But they are necessary, there is no other solution. »

sentence of the day

Russia has always emerged more solid, stronger, from all difficulties (…) This will still be the case this time. »

A weakened Russia does not exist in Moscow. After the abortive rebellion of the Wagner group, which shook Russian power last week, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov wants to believe that his country will emerge stronger than before. “Russia has always emerged more solid, stronger, from all difficulties (…) This will still be the case this time. We already feel that this process has started,” the minister told a press conference in Moscow.

The number of the day

174 million. This is the number of euros that Denmark will release for Ukraine. The sum will be mainly intended to finance air defense equipment, ammunition and vehicles, the Ministry of Defense announced on Friday.

“This is an important donation, which we have made according to Ukraine’s wishes and needs, and which will support Ukraine’s fight against the invading Russian troops,” said the Minister of Acting Defense Troels Lund Poulsen quoted in a statement. In this donation, 300 million Danish crowns will be allocated for the joint purchase by the European Union of artillery ammunition for Ukraine. Created in March to bring together the Danish effort in Ukraine, the “fund for Ukraine” had already provisioned more than 7.5 billion crowns (one billion euros) for 2023.

The trend of the day

Kazakhstan has recognized for the first time attempts to enlist its citizens in the Russian army to fight in Ukraine, a sensitive subject in this Central Asian country allied with Moscow but wishing to remain neutral in this war. “We have observed in our region attempts to recruit the local population to the Russian Federation to participate in the armed conflict in Ukraine,” the prosecutor of the Kostanai region (Nnord) said Thursday evening in a press release.

This immense region, with an area equal to one third of France, borders Russia and more than 40% of the approximately 880,000 inhabitants are of Russian origin. This is the first statement to this effect from the Kazakh authorities, when dozens of citizens from the former Central Asian republics (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan) have already been killed fighting in Ukraine, according to local media.

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