Home World Russia: People revolted against Putin, surrounded Parliament, enraged by being forcibly sent...

Russia: People revolted against Putin, surrounded Parliament, enraged by being forcibly sent to war, see the latest situation in Russia in these VIDEOS


Protests in Russia Over Military Deployment- India TV Hindi News

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Protests in Russia Over Military Deployment


  • Protests intensify in Russia
  • People on the streets against Putin
  • forcibly sent to war

Protests in Russia: The people of Russia have taken to the streets in revolt against President Vladimir Putin. People are protesting in the largest business cities of St Petersburg and Vladivostok, including the capital Moscow. People are protesting the decision to deploy 3 lakh reserve Russian troops. Two of Russia’s senior-most lawmakers on Sunday criticized Putin for mobilizing the Russian military. He has ordered the regional authorities to deal with the situation and expeditiously resolve the excesses that provoked public anger.

Russian citizens fleeing the country

Putin ordered Russia’s first military mobilization three days ago for the first time since World War II. Following this order, protests are taking place across Russia. Along with this, people are leaving Russia in large numbers and going to other countries. Due to this, there has been a situation of jam at the border posts of the friendly countries of Russia. Not only this, flight tickers are also clashing.

people being forcibly recruited into the army

According to reports, many Russian citizens have been ordered to enlist in the army. However, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu says that only those who have special military skills or military experience will be recruited. The people of Russia are very angry with the government of Vladimir Putin. He says that contrary to the promises made on TV, the government is also recruiting people who do not have military experience.

MPs close to Putin expressed anger

In such a situation, two top lawmakers close to Putin of Russia took the initiative to end public anger. Valentina Matvienko, chair of Russia’s upper house, the Federation Council, said she had received reports about people ineligible to deploy reserve troops. He said in a post on the Telegram messaging app that such excesses are absolutely unacceptable. I take it absolutely right that they are creating a strong reaction in the society.

MP’s warning – getting complaints

Vyacheslav Volodin, the speaker of Russia’s lower house, the State Duma, also expressed concern in a separate post. He said, ‘Complaints are being received. If there is a mistake, it needs to be rectified. Officers should understand their responsibility at every level. Officials say 300,000 more Russian citizens will be called up for military service in the mobilization. Following two separate reports in independent Russian media outlets, the Kremlin (the Office of the Russian President) has twice denied that more than a million troops were in fact being deployed.

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