Russia: first marriage of an heir to the Russian tsar since the 1917 revolution

George Mikhailovich Romanov, heir to the last Russian tsar, got married on Friday October 1 in St. Petersburg. A reactionary marriage in Russia, Vladimir Putin said he would not congratulate the newlyweds

In Russia, a historic wedding was celebrated on Friday October 1. This is the first imperial wedding in the country since the Bolshevik revolution, over a century ago. The heir to the throne and son of Maria of Russia, Grand Duke George Mikhailovich Romanov, married an Italian woman, Rebecca Victoria Bettarini, in the former capital of the Czars, St. Petersburg. As tradition dictates, the bride converted to orthodoxy. A marriage enamelled with symbols, which surpass the young couple.

Just before the wedding, the two went to meditate in the crypt of the Romanovs. A way of turning a dark page in imperial history. Nicholas II, the last tsar to reign, was executed in 1918 with his whole family. His cousin Cyrille, the closest successor, went into exile. It is the great-grandfather of the young groom. Back in Russia, George Mikhailovich goes on photo shoots in front of the palace of his ancestors. He now wants to change the image of the Russia, which he finds too negative to the west, by highlighting in particular its culture and its art.

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